Special 3

687 20 19

-{I'm back and surprisingly alive. My health is starting to get better and I'll be updating once a week(hopefully) again. Thank you for the people who waited for me to return. With all the stories I'm updating at the time my schedule may be busy but there will always be time to write "Where to start?"}-


No one's pov

Atsushi woke up to his alarm and hopped out of bed. He is going to meet Chuuya and Dazai so he can get some clothes for the mission.

Atsushi didn't like the idea but he had no choice. If he didn't go this organization can come after him since the Port Mafia knew about him.

Atsushi's put on a white sweater and black cargo pants with sneakers. He made sure he had enough money for today and made his way to the meet up.

He walked down the empty streets passing by shops. He stopped by the bakery and picked up some breakfast.

He grabbed some cream buns and ate them as he walked. He passed by the flower shop and decided to give one of the ladies who wakes up really early just to get things set up a cream bun.

She thanked Atsushi and gave him a heads up that there was a gang thing going on in the area by the Taylor's.

"That's just great" he hissed at himself. He continued to walk down the street until he saw the police tape in front of him and police officers laying on the ground injured.

He ran up to them and checked if they were okay. They were all dead. He stood up and hesitated. Should he go or should he stay?

He decided to go. He went under the tape and slowly walked through the crime scene.

There were people dead all over the ground. He heard voices coming from a distance and hid behind a white car with blood splatters on the sides of it.

I knelt down towards the ground and listened. He could hear them talking. But it sounded like regular people.

"Kenny are you sure no one escaped?" A male voice said. "I'm sure. They were really mean. Back on the farm no one would kill people because someone took their property." A higher pitched male said.

Atsushi slowly crept to the right side of the car to hide better. "We already delt with them and checked for survivors" a female voice said.

Atsushi could smell five other scents. Three from the people and two others that were behind him.

He spun around but was pinned to the car. The two guys zip tied his hands and covered his mouth with tape.

Atsushi let them drag him out of his hiding spot and onto the road. As soon as they threw him on the ground he looked at the three people who were talking earlier.

"Oh shit." He cursed at himself. It was Kunikida, Yosano, and Kenny. All Armed Detective Agency members.

I tried to struggle and break out of their grasp to get away but they kept pushing me back on the ground.

"If you want him to survive then you will have to surrender and leave." He yelled. I could tell these two guys had abilities.

The one guys arm formed into a gun and he put it against head. The three ADA members looked at each other and put their hands on the air.

The Kunikida guy and Yosano guy put what they were carrying in their hands on the ground. They slowly walked foward until one of the guys yelled at them to stop.

They stopped in their tracks and the two guys holding me "hostage" started to bicker about something.

It was either he acted now survive, and get caught by the ADA, or get killed. Atsushi thought to himself.

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