Turn About Is Fair Play

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Last time on Only Human! A human boy had woken up to find himself thrust into a battle for a world that isn't his! However, he courageously takes up the mantle of a Freedom Fighter and fights against the evil forces that threaten Mobius.

After his biggest and toughest battle yet, Y/n sacrificed himself to save two worlds from devastation, leaving those he loved most mourning over his death.

Now, almost a month later, the Freedom Fighters invade New Megaopolis for a final confrontation with Dr. Ivo Robotnik! A confrontation the mad doctor isn't handling well...

In a large room inside Eggman's base, Sonic stands beneath one of Dr. Eggman's latest Badniks. One he was piloting. And he was very mad.

"Fifteen years, Sonic! Fifteen years and more!" Eggman yelled at the blue hedgehog. "You've spent your lifetime as a thorn in my side! NO MORE!"

"Uh-huh," Sonic nods.

Eggman lowers his machine down to Sonic. "Don't sass me, you miserable brat! I am Dr. Ivo Robotnik! The most brilliant mind in the history of the world!"

"If you say so," Sonic says as he looks at his hand.

"I do! And what I say is law! You know why?! BECAUSE I CONQUERED THIS WHOLE PLANET! THAT'S WHY!!" Eggman roars furiously. "Do you remember Old Mobotropolis? Veritable capital of the world? It fell to me in a matter of minutes!"

"The Coup. I remember," Sonic smirked. "I was, like, five."

"And do you remember my ultimate victory? When I ground you into of the ashes of Knothole?!" the mad doctor asks. "I'VE BEATEN YOU BEFORE, RODENT! I CAN DO IT AGAIN!"

"I'm sorry, who's robot got totally demolished after our fight?" Sonic asked his arch-nemesis.

"And where is that hero now, rodent?" Eggman gritted his teeth.

Sonic was slightly taken back by this. Then he gritted his teeth as he glared at the mad doctor.

"You know what? I'm done with this," Sonic growled. "I was gonna have some fun with this, being probably our final fight and all, but now you just had to ruin it."

"Then come on, hedgehog!"


Sonic dodged two of Eggman's robotic spider legs before leaping into the air, maneuvering around to avoid the other legs. He then landed on the ground and Spin Dashed to the side to avoid four of the eight legs and started to run around Eggman's machine. He dodged lasers and missiles and the spider legs as he ran all around his enemy. The Blue Blur  then started Spin Attacking Eggman's spider mech, bashing his body into its hull multiple times which caused multiple dents to appear.

Sonic then landed on the mech's cockpit. "Let me tell you something, Robotnik. Y/n may be gone, but we're as strong as ever. In fact, his death has given us even more reason to fight."

Eggman started growling at his mortal enemy.

"And let me tell you this, Robotnik," Sonic glared right at Eggman. "Even if you manage to run away again, I'll just beat you again."

"RRRRRRRRRRRRR! FSSSSSSST! Y-Y-YOU...!" Eggman growled. "Ch-j-just a boy! Stupid rodent!"

Eggman pulled his mech back into the air, making Sonic fall back to the floor below.

"Whoa!" he called out.

"Mmm-hmm-hmm-hmm! No more games! Game over! End it all! End him!" Eggman babbled before his mech starts spinning like a helicopter blade. "You can only beat the averages so long before they beat you!"

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