Heavy Is The Head (Part 1: Surprise Visit)

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It wasn't much later in the day. Y/n is seen lying down on the hospital bed he was given, half-asleep. His hair had grown slightly longer with a less prominent green color in his locksn and his skin was dirty and grimy. He also no longer bore his Chaos Gem in his chest.

Someone enters the room and hastily walks up to Y/n. She stopped right next to the bed and looked at her old friend, a million questions going through her head. How could Y/n be alive? She saw him die with her own eyes! And yet... there he was, lying right before her. She couldn't be more overjoyed!

After a moment's hesitation, she brings her hand to Y/n's face and cups his cheek, rubbing her thumb across it. This causes the half-asleep human to stir which makes his visitor pull her hand back, and Y/n turns to look at her. He smiles softly.

"Hey, Nic," Y/n greeted his girlfriend. "Long time no see, eh?"

Nicole looked down at her formerly deceased lover in shocked silence. She couldn't believe he was there in front of her.

"Y-y-you're alive..." tears formed in her eyes as her lips curled into a smile. "You're alive!"

The holo-lynx immediately jumps on Y/n and wraps her arms around his neck. She begins peppering him with kisses, making him laugh as he hugs the AI back. His smile was huge.

"It's good to see you, too, Nicole," Y/n chuckled. "You're looking great as always."

"I can't believe you're alive," she looks up into her boyfriend's eyes. "H-how? How did you survive?"

"Oh-oh, well, I was planning on telling everyone tomorrow when the Council was called together," Y/n stated.

"You can tell me," Nicole said. "Y-you must be exhausted from whatever happened, so I can explain to them while you rest."

"Nicole, I can tell 'em myself," Y/n said.

"Please?" Nicole begged. "I-I have to know..."

Y/n sighed. He knew it would be hardest on her, as well as Sally. He might as well explain what happened.

"I-I guess. It's kind of hard to explain, though," the human informed.

"I have time," Nicole smiled as she moved herself to lie down next to her boyfriend.

"Alright, then," Y/n smiled. "I-it was super weird. I really did think I died, but... I guess my energy was transferred away, or something?"

"Your energy?" Nicole questioned.

"Yeah. I think the Master Emerald had something to do with it," Y/n explained. "It gave me my body back like it did for Nazo."

"How did you end up at New Megaopolis?" Nicole asked.

"That... I'm unsure of," the human scratched his cheek. "I don't really know. Maybe Eggman found me or something and tried to take my power like he did with Knuckles when he was Enerjak? I don't know..."

"Well, he can't harm anyone anymore," the AI girl stated. "He's down for the count. Sonic finally defeated him. For good this time."

"Really?" Y/n asked. "Then what was all that back at Megaopolis?"

"The Iron Dominion," Nicole informed. "They took over the Eggman Empire after Robotnik had... broken down. And they may be an even bigger threat."

Y/n hummed in thought for a moment. "Then it looks like I came back for a good reason." He smiles at Nicole. "Guess I'm back to being a Freedom Fighter, huh?"

"While that may be, you still need to rest," Nicole said. "You must be exhausted from everything that happened."

"Honestly... yeah, I am," Y/n chuckled a bit. "I'll just sleep 'til tomorrow, I guess."

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