Heavy Is The Head (Part 2: Iron Khan)

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The new Iron Khan stands before the Freedom Fighters atop his dark nimbus. He smirks as he rests his atom-bat on his shoulder and places a fist on his hip.

"Ken! Listen to me!" Sally called out. "You have to fight her control!"

"I am the divine weapon of the Iron Dominion," Iron Khan said before charging at the Freedom Fighters. "And I am glorious!"

He blasts right past the heroes, sending them to the ground. Y/n is the first back on his feet and sees Khan aiming his atom-bat at the three kids from earlier.

"Mister Khan! Stop!" the bear says. "STOP!"

Iron Khan goes to swing, only to he tackled off of his cloud by Y/n just as Sonic runs in and grabs the kids. He brings them to safety.

"Why does it feel like all I'm doing today is snatching people up and carrying them around?" Sonic asks and sets the kids down.

"Sonic!" Sally runs up to the blue hedgehog. "Is Bunnie--?"

"Resting at Freedom HQ safe and sound," Sonic assures the princess.

Lightning fires at the sky, but misses its mark as Sonic looks at the kids.

"We're you kids throwing rocks at Khan again?" he asks.

"He turned evil!" the bear child exclaims.

"He's not evil!" Sally corrects.

Antoine looks to see more lightning zap into the sky, along with a green energy bolt. He growls in anger.

"Snively took his power ring crownnajd left him prone," Sally informs Sonic. "The Iron Queen used the same techno-magic she used on Bunnie to take control of him."

There was another blast of lightning, this time accompanied by a yell, and Y/n crashes down besides Sally and Sonic.

"My everything feels tingly..." he groans. "And not in the good way..."

Sally and Sonic look up to see Khan flying over to them and stops in the sky. He smirks and gives them the 'come on' motion with his finger.

 He smirks and gives them the 'come on' motion with his finger

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"So he needs to be contained. Got it," Sonic takes a step forward. "This should be fun!"

"Don't... don't hurt him!" Sally tells Sonic.

"Don't hurt him, she says," Sonic says as he rushes at Khan.

Iron Khan does the same and charges at Sonic as he pulls his atom-bat back. He swings, only for Sonic to slide underneath his attack.

"The Iron Queen's taken control of you before, man!" He backflips over Khan. "You said you'd never let anyone control you again. Not Robotnik, and not this psycho! You're too stubborn to let her voodoo work on you! Snap out of it, Khan!"

Sonic was silence as the control cyborg-monkey plants a firm kick to his chest, sending him flying back. However, he recovers and returns to to fight.

Up above, Regina watches in glee. "You're wasting your time, dearie! His cybernetics are too extensive! My control is absolute!"

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