On The Run (Part 1: All The Eggs In One Basket)

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The Eggdome...

In the detention center of the Eggdome, Eggman can be seen in his white straight jacket sitting on the floor. He was still broken, mumbling nonsense and random things which included his hatred for Sonic. However, amongst those mumblings was the override code to his containment cell which unlocks and creaks open.

Down the hallway, Snively heard the noise. Curious, he made his way back to his deranged uncle.

"What was that sound? Did you manage to break something, uncle?" he asked as he neared the cell. "I do hope it was something serEEEEEEE!"

Eggman threw open his cell door and looked at his nephew. "SNIVLAAAAAAY!!!" He grabbed the smaller man by his collar. "What are you doing out here?! SNOO-PING AS USUAL?!"

"I--! You--! U-Uncle, p-p-please--!" Snively was left in shock. How did his uncle escape?! "Y-you're not well! I-if you'll just g-get back in your--OOP!"

He was thrown aside and hit the floor as Eggman walked away.

"NO TIME!" the deranged doctor announced. "MUST. DESTROY. HEDGEHOG!"

"How the blazes did e manage to get out?" Snively asked as he watched his uncle walk away. He then stood up and ran off, speaking into his communicator watch. "Voice command: open channel to all forces! All Dark Legion and Yagyu Ninja report to the detention level immediately! Iron Sonic, get your butt down here! We have an--OOF!"

Snively stops when he slams into someone and gets knocked to the floor. He rubs his nose in pain before looking up to see the Iron King staring down at him.

"Watch where you are going, runt," he huffs out a breath through his nostrils. "What is wrong?"

"Robotnik's escaped!" Snively declares.

"WHAT?!" the Iron King yelled. "You dare betray me?!"

"NO! I don't know how he got out!" Snively tries to save his skin. "But if we hurry, we can catch him before--"

There was a loud booming sound and both human and ox look up at the ceiling. Snively gulps.

"--he escapes."

Outside in his tortoise mech, Eggman now wore his straight jacket around his neck with an assortment of tech on his left arm.

"I am Warlord Doctor Julian Ivo Eggman Robo-Kintobor Mach Two!" he announces. "My rule is law, and the law is my will! AND I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG!"

Eggman declares as he pilots his mech forward, making any Yagyu and Dark Legionaires run away in fear.

"I will destroy the blue one, you know!" he continues. "He's the obstacle that always gets in my way!"

From back inside the Eggdome, Snively and the Iron King watch as Eggman leaves to find Sonic.

The Iron King grunts. "Inform the queen."

"Y-yes, sir," Snively nods his head.

New Megaopolis...

In the Tommy Turtle Memorial Hospital, Bunnie is seen in a hospital bed with Antoine sitting in a chair at her bedside. Dr. Quack was there as well. The, suddenly, Sonic ran in with a "Get Well Soon" balloon with Khan and Y/n behind him.

"Hey, Bunnie!" Sonic smiles. "How're you feeling?"

"Howdy, sugar-hog!" Bunnie greets the Blue Blur. "Ah'm doin' just fine. Ah just needed a bit of rest, s'all."

"And an emergency influx of electrolytes and constant supervision through the night," Quack said. "But if you want to call that "rest"..."

Khan stepped forward as he revealed a bouquet of pink flowers, offering them to Bunnie.

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