Dangerous Territory

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The scene opens up to show Sonic speeding across the land with his super speed while Monkey Khan was riding his flying nimbus. They were growing close to New Megaopolis.

"So Eggman's city got taken over by the same Iron King and Queen we tackled at Mt. Stormtop?" the speedster asked the monkey.

"Yes," Khan confirmed. "Did you hear nothing I told Princess Sally?"

"You thought I was paying attention?" Sonic laughs. "Cute!"

With their speed, the duo quickly arrive at the ruined outskirts of New Megaopolis.

"Just how childish can you--?

"Yeah-yeah-yeah," Sonic rolls his eyes. "Seriously, we're hitting New Megaopolis proper. Be on the lookout for--"

Lasers immediately rain down on the duo. Sonic dodges them as Khan blocks and reflects them with his staff.

"--sneak attack! Called it!"

The blue hedgehog smirks as be dashes forward as a ball and knocks a Dark Egg Legionaire back. Khan knocked one away as well with his martial arts.

"I'm not familiar with this clan," he admits. "Do you know them?"

"They're the Dark Egg Legion," Sonic rushes by some Legionaires, blowing them away with his speed. "A bunch of Knuckles' people who have a mad hard-on for technology."

Soon the two come together back-to-back.

"Tbey also have a bad habit of picking the losing side," Sonic finishes.

"You said the Doctor was defeated," Khan says. "Why do they side with the Iron Dominion now?"

Lien-Da then arrives on scene in an Egg-Mobile. "Because we're not content to pander to the Guardian or his allies!" she grins evilly. "Now surrender while you have the chance! We have enough problems already with our escaped prisoner!"

Sonic became curious at that. An escaped prisoner? They must be someone strong if they could escape whatever chains Robotnik had originally put in place before the Iron Dominion took over.

Sonic snorts a laugh. "Surrender?"

"I give no sympathy to allies of the Iron Dominion!" Khan says as he fires lightning from his atom-bat.

The blast strikes the Egg-Mobile dead-center, blowing it to pieces as Lien-Da is sent crashing to the ground. She grunts on landing and glares at the Freedom Fighters.

"And I return the sentiment!" she says. "Legion, fall back to support!"

The Legion do as told as their leader smirks. "Yagyu! MOVE IN!"

"Yag-who?!" Sonic questions as a group of bats dressed as ninja/shinobi jump from the shadows. Two throw shurikens at Sonic who narrowly dodges. "YOW! Watch it!"

"Onw perk of joining the Iron Dominion?" Lien-Da smirks. "Our small numbers just got doubled."

The echidna woman watches as Khan and Sonic fight back against the Yagyu Clan members. One kicks the hedgehog in the back, making him grunt in pain.

"I don't hear any wise-cracks, hedgehog," Lien-Da points out. "Is something wrong?"

The blue quickster quickly recovers from the attack and places both hands on the head of a Yagyu warrior. This catches him and the kicker by surprise.

"Yo, M.K.!" Sonic calls out to Khan. "What's the story of these bats in pajamas?"

"They're ninjas of the Yagyu Clan," Khan strikes two bats away with his atom-bat. "They used to be simple sneak-thieves pillaging the Dragon Kingdom..." He swings his staff, knocking three away. "... until the Iron Queen slew their master, the Bride of Rich Nights. Now they're her personal army."

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