Characters & backgrounds

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Name: Cassandra Euphemia Potter
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Patronus: A she-wolf
Animagus Form: Can't Have one
Parents: Fleamont and Euphemia Potter
Siblings: James Potter (older)
Pets: A metamagus (Lych)
School: Durmstrang (transferring to Hogwarts)
House: ?
Other things: Werewomen, Wandless magic at birth, Youngest professional beater(Bulgarian team), Prankster, Loves books, Top student and only witch in Durmstrang

Name: James Fleamont Potter
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Patronus: A stag
Animagus Form: Stag (Prongs)
Parents: Fleamont and Euphemia Potter
Siblings: Jessica Euphemia Potter (younger)
Pets: A tawney owl (Flea)
School: Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor
Other things: Prankster

Name: Sirius Black
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Patronus: A black dog
Animagus Form: Black Dog (Padfoot)
Parents: Orion and Walburga Black
Siblings: Regulus Arcturus Black (younger)
Pets: A black owl (midnight)
School: Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor
Other things: Prankster, Playboy

Name: Remus John Lupin
Blood Status: half-blood
Patronus: A wolf
Animagus Form: Can't have one
Parents: Lyall Lupin and Hope Lupin (Muggle)
Siblings: None
Pets: None
School: Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor
Other things: Prankster, Bookworm, Werewolf (Moony)

Name: Peter Pettigrew
Blood Status: half-blood or Pure-blood (unclear)
Patronus: A rat
Animagus Form: Rat (Wormtail)
Parents: Mr and Mrs Pettigrew
Siblings: None
Pets: None
School: Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor
Other things: Prankster, mostly follows Sirius and James around

Name: Lily Evans
Blood Status: Muggle born
Patronus: A doe
Animagus Form: Don't have one
Parents: Mr and Mrs Evans
Siblings: Petunia (older)
Pets: A barn owl (Hooter)
School: Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor
Other things: Top student in Hogwarts

Name: Marlene McKinnon
Blood Status: half-blood
Patronus: ?
Animagus Form: don't have one
Parents: Michael and Melissa McKinnon
Siblings: 3 brothers
Pets: None
School: Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor
Other things: Lily's best friend, liked Sirius Black till 3rd year

Name: Mary MacDonald
Blood: Muggle born
Patronus: ?
Animagus form: does not have one
Parents: Mr and Mrs MacDonald
Siblings: ?
Pets: owl
School: Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor
Other things: best friends with the girls

Name: Dorcas Meadowes
Blood: half-blood
Patronus: ?
Animagus form:  does not have one
Parents:  Mr and Mrs Meadowes
Siblings: none
Pets: none
School: Hogwarts
House: Slytherin
Other things: Friends with Regulus Black, Evan Rosier Barty Crouch junior and Pandora Rosier

Name: Regulus Arcturus Black
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Patronus: Fox
Animagus Form: Black cat with white mark across its chest
Parents: Orion and Walburga Black
Siblings: Sirius Black (older)
Pets: None
School: Hogwarts
House: Slytherin
Other things: Charmer, friends with Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch junior, Pandora Rosier and Dorcas Meadowes

Name: Evan Rosier
Blood: Pure-blood
Patronus: does not have one
Animagus form: does not have one
Parents: Lord and Lady Rosier
Siblings: Pandora Rosier(older twin)
Pets: none
School: Hogwarts
House: Slytherin
Other things: friends with Regulus black, Barty Crouch junior and Dorcas Meadowes

Name: Pandora Rosier
Blood: Pure-blood
Patronus: ?
Animagus form: does not have one
Parents: Lord and Lady Rosier
Siblings: Evan Rosier(younger twin)
Pets: none
School: Hogwarts
House: Ravenclaw
Other things: rarely spends time in her own house, often found sitting with her brother and his friends.

Name: Barty Crouch junior
Blood: Pure-blood
Patronus: does not have one
Animagus form:does not have one
Parents: Barty Crouch senior and
Siblings: none
Pets: none
School: Hogwarts
House: slytherin
Other things: hates his father, friends with Regulus black, Evan Rosier and Dorcas Meadowes

Name: Severus Snape
Blood Status: half-blood
Patronus: A doe
Animagus Form: don't have one
Parents: Tobias Snape (Muggle) and Eileen Snape
Siblings: None
Pets: None
School: Hogwarts
House: Slytherin
Other things: Best friends with Lily, Second in Potions


A/N: Sorry if I don't have all the characters, I don't know a lot of them now that I think of it.

Edit(25/06): changed some information.

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