The First Match of the Season

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Before the next full moon, the marauders decided to practice the first part of the animagus process, to say it was chaos would be the very word for it. Cassandra and Remus had the time of their lives watching as the other three had trouble keeping a random leaf they found for practice in their mouth without swallowing it, spitting it out or accidentally breaking it. During their first try, Peter had already swallowed it while eating his chips, making a face at the bitter taste. James was next, spitting it out while trying to brush his teeth. Sirius ended up breaking it in his mouth in his sleep.

After they got the hang of keeping it in their mouths, they had to tackle the problem of talking. Since none of them could get the hang of it, they decided to say that the three boys were doing a bet on who would talk first. If anyone were to ask, Remus would tell them about the ‘bet’ they had. Cassandra looked done with them but agreed it was the best way possible so they won’t get caught.
On the day of the next full moon, the marauders met up in their dorm, Cassandra took out the three mandrake leafs she managed to get during herbology from a box under her bed.

“Are you three sure you want to do this?” The younger girl asked them again.

The three boys nodded confidently as Cassandra passed them the leafs. They put it in their mouths as Remus handed them a chalk board each which they would use to communicate, Cassandra having enchanted it so they couldn’t draw or write anything that can get them in detention or traumatise any younger students. The five of them headed down for breakfast and for the first time, Cassandra was able to eat in silence while sitting with the marauders, not on the verge of choking on her food from laughing.

Afterwards, they split up to go for lessons. Cassandra went for her Muggle studies class, sitting at her regular seat. Cassandra genuinely liked muggle studies, they had no set sitting arrangement so the seat beside her was usually free...that is until today. Cassandra was doodling in the corner of her notebook when someone cleared their throat beside her.

“Hey, um...anyone sitting here?” The girl standing beside her asked, not looking her directly in the eye, she actually seemed kind of nervous.

Cassandra looked up from her doodle and noticed the Hufflepuff girl. She smiled and nodded, moving her books to make space. The girl mumbled a thanks as he sat down, she seemed like the quiet sort. “Cassie, Cassie Potter.” Cassandra smiled brightly, holding her hand out as she introduced herself.

“Rebastia LeStrange.” The girl mumbled, unsure of how the Gryffindor will react to her last name.

“LeStrange? In Hufflepuff? Never expected it.” Cassandra joked with a smirk.

The girl, Rebastia, smiled, seemingly being more relaxed now. “Yup! I put the ‘strange’ in LeStrange.” The girl chuckled.

Cassandra laughed, “So, you new to this class? Haven’t seen you here before.”

“Yeah, transferred to Hogwarts from Buebaxtons.” Rebastia smiled.

Cassandra nodded her head as the professor walked in. They had double periods that day before lunch so Rebastia and Cassandra were talking in hushed voices after they finished all their work.

After their lesson ended, they walked to the Great Hall together, separating to go to their respective friends and sibling. Cassandra sat beside James, directly opposite Remus and started eating, James and Remus having already piled some of the steak and mash potatoes for her.

“Why were you with the LeStrange girl?” Sirius asked, writing on the black board, seemingly protective.

“Why not? She’s nice and really sweet.” Cassandra replied with a shrug after swallowing her mouthful of mash potatoes.

“Because her brother is literally going to marry my cousin and both her brothers are assholes!” Sirius scribbled on the mini blackboard furiously.

“So? That doesn’t mean she is like her siblings and mind you I’m friends with Bellatrix.” Cassandra said hotly, slamming her hands on the table and leaving after finishing her plate.

As she stormed out of the Great Hall, Sirius got smacked in the head by Remus, getting called an idiot. James rolled his eyes but knew to leave his sister alone when she gets mad. On the other side of the Hall, Cassandra’s group of Slytherin/Ravenclaw friends were watching the exchange curiously. They all exchanged looks when Cassandra stormed out while eating. The Slytherins had potions next with Gryffindors so Regulus would get the chance to talk with the girl.

When lunch ended, they went down to the dungeons, spotting Cassandra already seated in her seat, scribbling in a notebook. Regulus sat beside her, quietly taking out his stuff. Cassandra looked up, gave him a small smile and a nod before going back to scribbling. Regulus smiled back, opening his mouth to say something when she looked back down and continued scribbling. Regulus looked over her shoulder to see she was in fact drawing in her notebook.

Regulus cleared his throat, catching Cassandra’s attention. “What’s got you so riled up, little Potter?”

Cassandra sighed, putting her quill down before scowling, “oh nothing, just your brother being a prick.”

Regulus waited for her to elaborate. “I made a new friend in Muggle studies, she’s in Hufflepuff and you probably know her, Rebastia LeStrange.” Regulus nodded when Cassandra paused, letting her continue. “Yeah and because her eldest brother is marrying Bella and how both her brothers are pricks, he told me to stay away from her and that she was probably like the rest of her family.” Cassandra rolled her eyes.

“He’s just looking out for you, even if I don’t agree with how he’s doing it.” Regulus said, earning a chuckle from Cassandra. Regulus smiled, feeling a weird feeling in his stomach at her chuckle but quickly brushed it off. Professor Slughorn entered the classroom and they went about with lessons like normal.
After they finished class for the day, Cassandra went to the Great Hall and sat with the marauders, not looking at Sirius at all. Remus and James had piled her plate with food and Cassandra gave him a piece of chocolate. Sirius tried getting her attention by tapping her and kicking her foot lightly, all of which Cassandra ignored.

“You know, he’s really sorry.” Remus leaned over and whispered, he continued when Cassandra looked at him with a ‘really’ look. “He’s been quiet since lunch, well I mean he’s less active since he can’t even talk cause you know.”

Cassandra looked at him then at Sirius, making eye contact shortly before back at Remus. Sirius looked hopeful at the short eye contact, staring at Cassandra with big eyes, hope swimming in his grey eyes. Cassandra sighed before saying she’ll think about it, quickly finishing her food with Remus before going to the hospital wing.
The full moon was expected to rise earlier than normal tonight so they had to leave earlier. Cassandra already thought of her excuse if the girls were to ask anything, the Slytherins and Pandora not usually asking her these things.

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