Animagus and Pranks

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Cassandra couldn’t find the boys anywhere, she searched their dorm, the common room, and the black lake. She decided to go to the library and there they were, surprising her, she walked over to them and realised they were looking at another book about Animagus. Cassandra sighed and sat down opposite them, taking out her ancient runes homework that she hadn’t completed. She listened to them halfheartedly, while also thinking of another prank she could do.

“It has to be big.” Cassandra thought to herself, chewing absentmindedly on the tip of her quill, staring into space.

She took out her notebook where she wrote down ideas for her pranks, waving bye to the boys who got up and left. As she was writing down her prank idea, she felt arms wrap around her. Cassandra looked up and saw Barty smirking down at her.

“Why hello there Bartemius.” Cassandra returned the smirk, closing her notebook.

“Urgh, I told you not to call me that, Cassandra.” Barty groaned, challenging Cassandra.

Cassandra rolled her eyes questioning what he wanted. It was normal for them to banter like this by now, calling each other by their full name, Barty also tended to be quite physical with Cassandra.

Barty said nothing to answer her, instead deciding to throw her over his shoulder, carrying her down to the Slytherin dorms. Cassandra sighed, letting her body go slack after trying to struggle against him. Cassandra thanked merlin she was wearing jeans and a turtleneck instead of a skirt with a crop tee or something.

Barty dropped her off beside his bed, shaking some hair products in front of her again, Cassandra nodded, actually liking the hair styles Barty does for her. Cassandra noticed that even the two girls were here which had her curious on what they wanted.

“Okay, why did you guys kidnap me?” Cassandra asked, tilting her head upwards for Barty.

“What? Can’t we just want to hang out with you?” Evan fake pouted.

“Okay that’s enough.” Regulus seemed close to snapping. Cassandra looked at him confused but let him talk.

“We need to talk about the new prankster at Hogwarts, the Black Rose Rouge.” Regulus said, eyeing Cassandra.

“Which all of us in this room knows is you, Cassie.” Dorcas added, slightly confused at the lack of reaction from the girl.

“You guys figured it out? Took you long enough.” Cassandra shrugged, “now you guys can help me. I’ve been thinking of a prank to do but I can’t do this particular one alone. If you want we could make it a group, something like the marauders except we don’t make it known it’s actually us.”

The others looked at each other, looking hesitant, except Pandora who looked ready. Barty was the first to respond, “why not! Seems exciting.” Finishing off the Dutch braid for Cassandra with a flower rubber band.

“I mean, I’m down, as long as we don’t get caught and no one knows it was us who did it.” Evan said, Pandora nodded along.

Dorcas shrugged, agreeing to the offer, it was only Regulus left. He looked like he was fighting with himself, eventually he sighed agreeing with the terms. Cassandra smiled and took out her notebook explaining the parts of the prank to the group, which basically took up most of the day as new ideas and improvements were added to the prank, and lots of fooling around.

Cassandra left the Slytherin dorms late in the afternoon, deciding to head back to her own dorm. As she entered the Gryffindor common room, she spotted the girls sitting around the fire, playing chess. She walked over to them, plopping down beside Mary. Before she could say much, the Marauders came over and dragged her to their dorm.

Cassandra rolled her eyes as they dropped her off on her bed. “What is it, kidnap Cassie day?” The younger girl thought to herself.

“So, Sandra, we think we’ve found out how to become Animagus! We can help you and moony on full moons now!” James said, using the nickname only he can use.

“Really?” Cassandra asked, quite excited.

“Yes, but the process is really long and hard…” Remus spoke up, still looking at the book.

“Can’t be harder or longer than he polyjuice potion can it?” Cassandra asked, tilting her head, looking over his shoulder to see the book. Her eyes widened as they moved across the page, mumbling some of the words to herself.

“Yeah…so we were wondering if you could help us? We both know your like the best at potions.” James rubbed his neck.

Cassandra nodded her head, “yeah sure, whatever you need. But just so you know, if we mess up in any way we have to start over, from the very start.”

The other three non werewolves nodded, ready to do anything to help their friends. Cassandra spent the rest of the day with them, going through what they would need and where they could get the ingredients for the potion.

Cassandra already knew a place where they could brew the potion without anyone finding out or accidentally finding it. Cassandra suggested that they could start the potion the next day, seeing as she or Remus might be able to convince Professor Slughorn to lend them the basic ingredients needed, otherwise Peter or one of them could always sneak them from the potion store, using the Potter’s invisibility cloak.

They agreed to start the potion the next day, agreeing to meet Cassandra during the morning break. They decided to do it in Myrtle’s bathroom, knowing no one ever goes there and Cassandra was actually friends with the ghost so it won’t be much of an issue, how she became friends with the ghost was completely different matter for another day.

“Sandra, you are now a marauder with us!” Sirius said, trying to use the nickname.

“As if I wasn’t already earlier, and don’t use that nickname, only James can.” Cassandra joked, glaring at Sirius at the end of her statement.

Sirius raised his hands in fake surrender, laughing slightly. Cassandra rolled her eyes, leaving them to go hang out with the girls. She entered their dorm to see them gossiping, Cassandra hopped onto Marlene’s bed, joining the gossip session. The day ended with a lot of laughter with the girls, plans for pranks and a new project Cassandra had on her hands.

A/N: hey guys, I know it's been awhile since I updated and I'm sorry. But a happy Chinese new year for those who celebrate! Hope y'all have a good day

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