Full Moon

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James, Sirius and I are standing in the room where all my transformations take place, aka the dungeons. There were chains connected to the wall where I strap myself to, for everyone's safety. Remus and Peter had gone back to their own homes a week ago and today was the full moon. In about 30 min, my transformation will take place. I stood between James and Sirius, leaning into James.

"Stay outside like always?" I sought his comfort as I mumbled into his neck.
"Of course little sis, I'll always stay outside for the whole night." He replied, kissing the top of my head. I nodded before walking over to the chains. I secured the chains around my ankles first before doing my hands and lastly James secured my neck. The chains are specifically arranged in a way that makes me lie down, at most, sit up, in my human form or wolf.

The boys stayed with me till there were 5 mins left before my transformations. Now all I have to do is wait before the pain starts.
~5 min later~

I looked at the moon through a small window with bars and the next thing I knew was pain. Pain, before I blacked out and the wolf in me took over.

Sirius POV(5 min earlier)
We left the dungeons and I sat on the pillows that James had placed earlier. However, James went into his parents room. He came out soon after with Mama Mia, she went over to the already shut and locked door to place some protective spells to make sure it would stay locked and unbreakable. This she had to explain to me.

5 min later we heard screams, high pitched ones before a howl. I was looking at the door in worry. Sure I've heard Remus' transformation, but his wasn't this painful nor fast. I flinched at the sounds of her screams. I looked over at James and saw he was closing his eyes trying to block out the sounds. I side hugged him, attempting to comfort him and myself, my mind on how too of the best mates I know are werewolves. 'Wonder how Remus is doing?' I thought.

Suddenly, I jumped back away from the door as it jerked due to the wolf in Cas scratching the door. I looked over at James, however, he didn't even flinch. Instead, he took out a book he hid among the blankets. Upon looking closer at the book, I noticed it was 'The Tales of Beetle the Bard'. He started reading a story although I couldn't identify which it was. Soon, I heard a whimper and calmer scratches on the door, as if the wolf is asking to be let out or maybe it was asking James to continue reading, either way James continued reading to the wolf as if he was reading a bed time story to his little sister.

The wolf eventually calmed down and all I heard was snores and occasional whimpers.

James POV
Tonight was the full moon. The first full moon that Sirius will be witnessing what happens when Cas turns. Ever since Cas revealed what she was, Sirius and remus has been giving her pitiful looks which Cas hates. She likes being treated like how you would treat any other person. Of course I wanted to say something but Cas stopped me and our parents before we could.

Soon, I heard Cas' high pitched screams. Immediately, I closed my mind thinking of the happiest time I've seen Cas and that was before getting bitten. I felt Sirius' arm hugging me in attempt to comfort me though it did nothing to help. When the door suddenly gave a jerk to which Sirius jumped back. I didn't flinch, I was used to the wolf scratching the door right after it transformed. I took out the book and read Cas' favourite story.

After awhile, I could tell the wolf had gone to sleep. I closed the book and saw Sirius looking at me with a questioning look. I explained to him that this is what always happens during a full moon before promptly falling asleep. I decided to tell him the whole story tomorrow when Cas was around.

Sorry for the short chapter. This is kind of like a filler chapter and I wanted to get something out for you guys

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