Full moon 2.0

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Cassandra was packing her clothes and necessities when the other girls came in. Lily was the first to notice her packing and said, "Cassie, why are you packing your clothes?"

"I'm just spending the next few nights with my brother. I missed sleeping next to him, especially since I wasn't home often for the last few years." It wasn't a complete lie. Cassandra did miss the comfort sleeping next to James gave her, but the main reason was that it will be easier spending a few nights with the boys during the full moon than having to come up with a shit load of excuses and lies.

"Sleep next to him?" Marlene asked confused.

"Yeah, James and I are very close, we used to share a room and bed." Cassandra said, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

Cassandra waved before heading towards the boy’s dorm. She saw the black board had the words 'Marauders dorm' instead of their names. She rolled her eyes before pushing open the door, not bothering to knock.

She walked in, hearing a yelp of surprise. Three out of the four boys were shirtless, Remus being the only one wearing his top. There was one bed without a trunk which happened to be beside James'.

Cassandra hung her bag at the end of her bag before flopping herself onto the bed, burying her head into the pillow. After a few seconds, Cassandra felt her bed sink on her left.

"You alright sis?" James spoke, playing with Cassandra's hair.

Cassandra nodded, face still buried in the pillow. Remus threw her a sweater, Cassandra looked up and gave him a questioning look.

"Wear it, it's comfortable especially near a full moon." Remus shrugged, "if you like it, you can keep it, I have a lot of spares."

Cassandra muttered a thanks before sitting up and pulled the sweater over her head. She grabbed her bag and dug around for something. She threw over a candy bar which Remus caught, giving her the same questioning look she gave him a few moments ago. Cassandra took out another one, and pealled the wrapper off, revealing Muggle chocolate. Cassandra took a bit, closing her eyes in pleasure as she let the chocolate melt in her mouth.

“How do you have Muggle chocolate?” Remus asked, taking a bit of his bar.

“There was a Muggle town near Durmstrang, it was a short walk from the wizarding town there, some of us will go there during our ‘off days’. I buy my candy stash there sometimes.” Cassandra says with a small shrug.

“Wait, wait, wait! Are we just going to ignore the fact that Remus gave Cassie one of his sweaters and said she could keep it!” Sirius exclaimed, “and the fact that Cassie gave Remus her chocolate when I tried to take some last year, she dyed my hair rainbow colours!"

Cassandra and Remus look at each other and started laughing, making Sirius even more confused. However, both did not answer Sirius instead they started talking about books, making the boy give a huff. After a while, the boys all got into their pyjamas, Cassandra having already changed into the girl’s dormitory, excused herself to the bathroom. When she came out, all the boys were dressed. Cassandra flopped onto her bed. James walked over and Cassandra moved over, giving him space to lay down, like they used to do when they were younger. Cassandra immediately snuggled into her brother’s chest, falling asleep almost instantly. James said goodnight to the other three before shutting the curtains around the bed, falling asleep soon after.

After a while, the four boys got into their pyjamas. James sat beside Cassandra, whose eyes were half closed, the younger girl instantly snuggled into his side. James, having no choice, lay down on Cassandra’s bed, shifting both into a comfortable position. He pulled the cover over them, using magic to close the four-poster bed. James played with her hair with one hand, the other holding her.

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