Secrets Revealed

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As soon as I entered the manor Misty our house elve came running to me, hugging my leg. "Mistress Cassie has returned!" She giggled. I smiled, "Yes I'm back Misty and what did we say about calling me Mistress?" Misty smiled sheepishly, "Not to call anyone in this house Master or Mistress. Sorry Mis-Cassie.". I just smiled as she went to take my bags up to my room.

"You haven't changed one bit sis!" James noticed while he thanked Misty as she came back down to take the other bags. I merely smirked at James before heading up to my room. I heard mom saying lunch will be ready in about an hour.

I sat in my room drawing. When I was done with the drawing, only 5 minutes had passed. (Drawing in the top) I groaned, hoping that more time had passed when I was drawing. I got up from my bed and headed to James's room through a door that connects our rooms.

I opened the door and immediately the boys(minus James) frozen solid. I rolled my eyes, noticing James frantically stuffing paper and books into his drawer. Remus' eyes told me everything I needed to know, especially when he looked so scared. I went over to James ,who obviously knows I'm there, and snatched the book he was about to keep. I flipped through the book and read the cover. I looked at James, knowing he took this book from the library in our mansion.

"James?" I asked in a bit of a sweet voice.

He gulped before answering, "Mhm?"

"Why are u boys reading a book about how to turn into an Animagus? Especially you James, we both know you don't read even your textbooks. Much less would you read an entire book about Animagus."

He looked nervously at the boys thinking how to answer my question. In truth, I already knew why but I wanted the boys to tell me themselves but more importantly for Remus to feel safe. Also I wanted to play with their feelings a little.

"Um..." James stuttered unsure on how to answer.

"They were doing it for me!" I turned to Remus when he exclaimed. "I have something to confess-"

"You don't have to do this Remus." Sirius tried.

"I'm a werewolf." He finally said with his head down low. Sirius and Peter looked at me, unsure of how I would react to that piece of information. Only James knew what I would do next.

I smiled and rushed forward to hug him. I ran at such a force that he grunted but I didn't let go. When I did let go I said, "Remus you don't have to be afraid of being a werewolf or what others may see you as. Because, I'm a werewolf too." As I said the last part, I pulled my shirt up. I was also wearing long sleeves so they couldn't see the scars on my arms. When they saw the amount of scars that littered my body, their mouths opened wide(minus James). This time Remus was the one who pulled me into a hug. As we pulled away, I noticed his eyes were filled with tears.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through those transformations. If I was there, I could have-" he sobbed, however before he continued I interrupted, "Remus, it's fine. Besides I was probably bitten before you."

"When?" This time Sirius asked.

"I was 3, around the start of the year. James and I were playing in the backyard near the woods, it was a full moon. My back was facing the woods and I didn't realise that a werewolf was behind me. When both us realised, it was too late, James was too far away and the werewolf had already bitten me. Merlin it was painfull, I passed out soon after." James walked up beside me before continuing," I was scared for my little sister, by then the werewolf had left as our parents came out when they heard Cas screaming. When they reached us, I was cuddling Cas while sobbing, praying she wasn't dead." James let a few tears escape and I was burying myself into his neck. We ended in a group hug.

We stayed like that for a long time. We finally got out of the hug when mom called for dinner. Sirius and Remus were giving me pitiful looks throughout lunch and this didn't go unnoticed by James, mom and dad. Mom looked at me that said 'you told them'. I nodded my answer to her. All three kept quiet about it even though they knew I hated receiving pithiness from others, especially because of being a werewolf.

After lunch we went back to James' room. I grabbed my book about werewolves first though. The boys went ahead with their work while I sat on James' bed reading. After about 10 mins, I got bored. I slammed the book shut. The boys looked at me, I said, "I'm bored. Let's play quidditch!" James and Sirius immediately agreed. Remus and Peter were more hesitant. We ended up outside with our brooms, well me Sirius and James had our brooms. I went into the shed and took out our spare brooms. I passed one to Peter and Remus each.

"Two on two?" I suggested since Peter volunteered to be a referee. James nodded before stating, "I call to be on Cas' team!"
"But mate, we're always a team!" Protested Sirius. "Well considering Cas is on the Bulgaria team and being trained by the Holy Harpies, being on her team gives me a higher chance of winning."

After a while the teams were set, James and Sirius as chasers and keepers while Remus and I were seekers and beaters.The game began and after a good 10 min, me and James won with 170 to 10.

After putting the equipment away, we were about to head inside when we walked by the exact place I was bitten. I froze and James saw the look on my face he came over and buried me into a hug. Remus came over and asked, "Is this the place where you got bitten?" I nodded as I trembled in my brother's arms.

Sirius decided to have a race back home. I won without even breaking a sweat. Remus was close though followed by my brother and Sirius. All of them were covered in sweat but none as bad as Peter. That night we slept in James' room together.

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