First date?

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A/N: Above is Cassandra's date outfit or you can imagine something else for yourself

The next few days went by quickly, Peter had nicked the ingredients from the private potion store with James, Cassandra had started the potion with Remus, she had planned to do the prank with the Slytherins and Pandora that weekend. Cassandra had helped plan more of the marauders pranks as well.

Cassandra was walking to the library alone to return some books when she bumped into Sirius. “Sirius! Hey, what are you doing?” Cassandra asked, confused as Sirius was rarely seen without the other three boys.

“Um, looking for you actually. Cassie, can I talk to you?” Sirius asked, taking some of her books.

“Yeah sure, after I return these books.” Cassandra agreed, walking towards the library, Sirius following behind with about half her stack of books.

Cassandra thanked Madam Pince as she placed the books in the return pile. Madam Pince nodded at her, glaring at Sirius as they left, Sirius basically running out of the library. Once they turned the corner, Cassandra asked, “so what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Oh um…” Sirius rubbed his neck nervously. “Wouldyouliketogohogsmeadthisweakendwithme?” He said very quickly in one breath.

“Sorry, what? Could you repeat that slightly slower?” Cassandra asked, genuinely confused.

“Would you like to go to Hogsmead with me this weekend?” He repeated, seeming very nervous, the most nervous Cassandra has ever seen him.

“Like a date?” Cassandra questioned, having never gone on one before.

“I mean you don’t have to–” Sirius got cut off by Cassandra.

“Sure, I’d love to! Meet you in the common room at 8?” Cassandra beamed.

“Uh, yeah sure.” Sirius said breathlessly, feeling quite relieved that the younger girl had agreed.

Cassandra waved bye before making her way back to her dorm seeming very cool and collected, but on the inside she was acting like a little giddy school girl. Cassandra hadn’t realised it at first but she had developed a small crush for Sirius. She quickly rushed to the girls for help, knowing that at least one of them will have some kind of experience with this.

Sirius watched as the younger girl ran off, the other three appeared around the corner, patting him on the shoulder. “Well done mate, you’ve managed to pull my sister, who I know has never gone on a date before.”

“Wait how! She went to an all boys school and those boys were hot!” Remus exclaimed, very confused. James just shrugged, warning Sirius about hurting his sister.

Cassandra reached the dorms, thankfully the other four girls were in the dorm as well. “I need help!” Cassandra exclaimed pacing the room.

“Cassie, calm down! What the hell happened?” Alice asked forcing the pacing girl to sit down.

Cassandra explained what happened in the hallway earlier, turning very red at the mention of Sirius asking her out as the other four girls squealed with joy. They immediately started planning on what she was going to wear that day, what hair to do and so on.


It was the weekend. After breakfast which the girls dragged Cassandra bright and early to, they quickly helped doll her up. They decided to put her in some casual jeans and a woollen top, seeing as it was quite chilly outside. She wore her black boots and her hair in a twist braid, courtesy of Alice. Cassandra thanked the girls before grabbing her bucket bag, which thankfully went well with the her outfit, and went down to the common room where Sirius was already waiting.

The pair walked to the front doors where Filtch was taking attendance of those who could go. He sneered at the pair as he ticked their names off the list. Once the two were out of earshot of the gloomy caretaker, they started laughing, both having their fair share of pranking him and causing too much trouble for him to clean.

They decided to walk to Hogsmead. When they reached, they entered Zonko’s first, both needing to buy some more pranking supplies. As Cassandra  placed her items on the counter, Sirius offered to pay which Cassandra declined, hiding some of the less used supplies that she needed to use for her next prank with the Slytherins and Pandora. Sirius tried arguing with her but she had already paid the money. She winked at him as she grabbed her stuff, waiting for him to pay so they could go to Honeydukes next.

They left the shop, Cassandra with a cheeky grin and Sirius rolling his eyes beside the girl, both their money bags feeling lighter than before. Sirius opened the door for Cassandra into Honeydukes. The smell of chocolate and many other candy treats hitting them like a tidal wave. Cassandra immediately reached for the chocolate section, she stocked up on her chocolate frogs and other chocolate, grabbing a few more extras for the Slytherins and Pandora. Cassandra grabbed some sugar quills before deciding to pay. This time, Sirius gave Cassandra no time to pay, giving the shop keeper the money the second she placed her  items on the counter.

After purchasing their candy, they decided to go to the Three Broomsticks. Cassandra sat at a booth as Sirius went to buy their drinks. Cassandra fiddled with something in her bag, not noticing the exchange Sirius had with Madam Rosmerta.

“You and the younger Potter on a date, Black?” She asked before he ordered the drinks.

Sirius nodded about to order when she started making both of their preferred orders, adding a bit cinnamon on the top of Cassandra’s usual order. She handed the drinks to Sirius on the counter, telling him the price as she winked. Sirius paid the money while thanking her, grabbing the drinks and walking back to the booth.

Cassandra’s face lit up when she saw Sirius coming back, being even more excited when she saw the cinnamon. “How’d you know my special order?” She asked as she took a sip.

“Um...Mad- I asked James.” Sirius smiled, changing his sentence when he saw Madam Rosmerta’s signal.

They had a fun time at the three Broomsticks, laughing and joking around. The two were so absorbed into their little time together they didn’t realise they had 3 different friend groups watching them. They walked back to the castle and separated at the door of the stairs which led to the dorms. When Cassandra entered the girls dorm, she was bombarded with questions and squeals.

Cassandra flopped on the bed with a smile as Mary said, “Ok, c’mon tell us everything” The four older girls crowded around Cassandra as she went into full detail on the day.

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