Exciting News

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Speaking in Bulgarian is in /\

Knock! Knock!...

The door knocked in a certain pattern. One only me and Vivian Krum knows.

"/What!\" I shouted from my place on the bed.

"/The headmaster wants to see us!\" Vivian shouted, knowing I'm still in bed and respecting my privacy.

"/Now! Why does he does this so early!\" I groaned

I heard a chuckle from the other side. "/Yes now! So get up you lazy bum!\"

Vivian is the ONLY one who can call me that, not even my own brother!

I groan as I heard Vivian walk away probably waiting in the sitting area. You see being the only girl in a boys school has its perks. I get my own part of the castle but still in a house.

I get up from my bed and look in my wardrobe. It was a Saturday so we won't need to were the uniform so I put on some casual and warm but presentable cloths.

I go down to the sitting area and see Vivian sitting there.

"/Alright I'm up Viv! Let's just go already.\"

He chuckles as I walk out and follows me.

We head up to the headmaster's office in silence as I'm still sleepy.

"/You wanted to see us sir?\" I said in the most polite I could muster. By now I'm awake and annoyed that my sleep was interrupted.

"/Yes. Some students will be going to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry for a new feel of the teaching. I was thinking of you two along with your school team and that little group of friends of yours. What about you?\"

I beamed, slightly less annoyed with him, I'm going to see my brother earlier than planned! "/YES PLEASE!\" I all but screamed.

Both the headmaster and Viv laughed at my enthusiasm. After that he told us when we were leaving which was tomorrow and some other information to which I zoned out.

When we were able to leave, I ran off leaving Vivi to chase me. I ran and found out friends all by the lake. One thing my friends were the rest of the Quidditch team along with 3 others.

"/GUYS!\" I screamed as I tumbled down the hill towards them. I can be quite clumsy.

They looked up and saw me tumbling down. They caught me before I fell into the lake.

"/Merlin Cassie! Can you stop being so clumsy!\" Everyone shouted even Viv who just arrive.

"/Well even if I'm offended, my answer is no. N.O.!\" I said crossing my arms and pouting.

Everyone laughed at my childishness as the guys set me down.

"/Anyway, now that that's over, we came down here for a reason.\" Viv said recovering from his laughter.

I cocked my head to the side, in confusion on what he was talking about before my eyes go wide and I'm jumping up and down again.

Everyone else was looking at me weirdly. Viv laughs at my actions and everyone's confusion.

"/Cassie do you want to be the want telling the guys or just jumping there and I'll do it?\"

"/WE'RE GOING TO HOGWARTS!\" I screamed before I could stop myself.

As you can probably tell by now, I'm extremely excited.

Joshua, one of the chasers on our team, looked at us with wide eyes. "/All of us?\" Gesturing around the group we were in.

Me and Viv nodded with me running around at this point. I'm pretty sure my annoyance at the headmaster has completely vanish upon hearing we we heading to Hogwarts. Well almost completely anyway.

"/So Cassie...are you telling your brother your going to be seeing him earlier and longer than expected?\" Ed (Edward), one of the 3 that don't play Quidditch, asked me.

"/Nah I think I'll let it be a surprise...\" I trailed of suddenly jumping up. "I got to go ask the headmaster something be right back!"

I ran all the way to the headmaster's office. Panting for breath, I knocked on the door. Okay just because I'm in a boys school means I don't have my manners.


I entered and immediately asked, "/Headmaster, can we do our entrance, you know how I like to make a big entrance?\"

"/Hmm...what were you thinking?\"

"/Just one of the usual that my friends and I do at the start of term feast. What do you think?\"

"/In that case, I think it's alright.\"

"/Thank you sir!\"

He nodded as I dashed out of the office with satisfied grin. I rushed back to the lake making sure I didn't trip causing me to tumble again.

"/Guys, we're doing one of our routines tomorrow!\" I screamed with a goofy grin plastered on face.

"/What do mean Cassie?\" Jona (Jonathan), he's the keeper, asked.

"/I mean at Hogwarts, I asked the headmaster if we could do one of our routines tomorrow when we enter the Great hall.\" I replied rolling my eyes.

"/I guess we could. But which one we have 12 different routines!\" Sebastian, the other beater, asked waving his arms around.

"/We could do one that has Viv coming in last with the headmaster and Cassie entering first.\" Lucas, one of the chasers, suggested with a shrug.

I nodded, deep in thought. "/Ok, so that narrows it down to 4 routines.\"

"/Maybe we could do the one we did at the start of year 2?\" Marcus, he doesn't play, suggested.

We all nodded knowing exactly which one he was referring to. "/Okay now that that's settled, we should probably practice.\" Jacob said, he's the last chaser.

"/Yeah we should. It's been a year since we that routine, we'll be rusty if we don't practice.\" Andrew, the last to join our group and not a fan of Quidditch, stated.

Viv and I half-heartedly nodded. With being the youngest professional Quidditch player, it's not hard to recreate stunts that haven't been done in a year or so even if you haven't been practicing.

And that's what we did for the whole day, practicing our routine for tomorrow. We only stopped when it was time for dinner and then we went to pack for tomorrow, I went to bed with a smile on my face. 'I'm seeing my brother tomorrow!'

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