Meeting Some New Faces

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I woke up at 6.30 in the morning, too excited to go back to sleep. Suddenly, I felt a ball of fluff on me, I smile.

'Lych.' I thought

'Yes?' I heard a voice in my head.

'Up for a long flight?'

'Anytime, besides I need to stretch my wings. But to where?'

'I'll give a hint: my brother is there right now. Can you guess?'


"Good. Now I'm going to get ready. Lych if you want you can go to the dock to warm up before we go. We'll be leaving soon." I said out loud, getting up to my wardrobe.

Lych is a metamagus, meaning she can change into any animal she wants and I have a certain bond with animals, I can speak with any animal except for snakes for I'm not a parseltongue.

Lych nodded her tiny kitten head and left my chambers to the dock. After I changed, I went to eat some food as it was going to be a long journey to Hogwarts. I mean come on we're in northern Europe and Hogwarts in Scotland!

When I reach the dock, Ed, Viv, Jona and Josh (Joshua) were already there, setting up the ship.

I smirked. They had their backs turned so they hadn't noticed me. I made my way behind them with my bucket bag on me.

You might be wondering: where's my trunk? It's in my bag. It has an undetectable extension charm on it so it has my beater's bat along with my trunk and broom.

I shouted darkly at the boys. They all jumped back in surprise and shock. All except Viv. Surprised, I'm up this early. Shocked, they didn't need to drag me out of bed and from food. At this point, I'm on the floor laughing while Viv was standing there chuckling. I'm sure he had half expected me to be up this early due to the excitement he had witnessed yesterday.

When I got over the laughter, my eyes widened in shock. "/Guys! You're setting up the ship in the most boring way possible!\" They all looked at me with a questioning look. I sigh. I set my bag down and thought.

'Lych I need your help

'And what is it?'

'The boys are setting up the ship in the most boring way possible!'

'Oh no, that's terrible!... Heads up!'

I lift my arm and was caught by a dragon who flipped me onto the mass of the ship. I grabbed the rope, and pulled it, unfolding the sail. I then swung over to the other two masses, did the same thing, and landed gracefully on the ship, rocking it only slightly.

The boys clapped as I sarcastically bowed, at this point, everyone going to Hogwarts was here along with the headmaster.

"/So Jess, how will you be travelling?\" Viv asked.

I smirked and picked up my bag. I lift my hand. One minute I was on the ground, and the next I was in the sky.

"/See you at Hogwarts!\" I laughed.

I laid down on my back and spread out on the dragon. "Lych, guess what?

'I don't know.'

"I heard my brother's friends are pranksters," I told her as I smirked

'Well let's see if they can meet our standards!'

We both laughed at that statement knowing we would outdo my brother and his friends. I may be a year younger, but I'm a better prankster than my brother, I rarely get caught and I pull the best pranks that even the person pranked is laughing in the end.

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