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"what the fuck?"

both your eyes widened snapping your head to the group wanting to solve the misunderstanding but it was already too late.

you watched as venti slowly shut the door quietly. a few seconds passed as you stared at the closed door in disbelief.

xiao had gotten up from the floor sighing outloud. he wasn't flustered at all not slightly embarrassed either. he was just annoyed to deal with the explanation.

you quickly got up and ran for the door opening it. "get your asses back here and let us explain!" you shouted spotting the group sneaking down the hall trying to get away.

"so uh... you guys seem pretty friendly with each other," childe started breaking off the awkward silence as you all sat there staring at the ground.

"absolutely not, we literally just met?!" you glared at him. "so? one night stands are a thing," childe shrugged and that was all it took for xiao to throw venti's hat at his face.

both childe and venti yelped at the same time for different reasons. "xiao slipped and just landed on me it's nothing like that you dumbasses," you explained.

"oh? if that's the case then what are you doing here at his place huuh!?" itto questioned with a hum.

"are you interrogating me or something?" you began to sweat, "he borrowed my brother's clothes and my brother wanted it back today so I just came by to grab it. got a problem?" you continued.

"and why does it even matter? just to reassure you, I do not want him at all. If you're gay and he's gay totally go for it I'm here to support!" you gave them a thumbs up.

"I'M NOT GAY !?"

"being quite defensive there buddy," you teased. after the topic of them interrogating you for no reason passed by, childe for some reason had a suitcase full of boardgames to play.

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