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"sorry what?"

"he's joking! we never agreed to that at all," reki shoved xiao to the side waving it off that they never made that deal but xiao was staring at him confused.

"yeah we did-"


You just shrugged it off xiao wasn't one to make deals like that or was he? Who knows but you just continued to go bowling with the others until two hours passed by and the time was getting late.

"that was fun," reki stretched his arms exhausted but he really did enjoy the day. any day was the best when you were in it for him.

the days that passed by were marking down his days to live. it was a sad truth but he just decided to stay happy and smile not wanting anyone to worry.

if he could leave and never wake up he'd like to at least the relief of knowing you're just fine and getting treated good. you were all he had anyway.

"thanks for inviting me it was fun," aether smiled. "see ya," lumine waved goodbye and walked off with aether.

the only people left was xiao, reki, and you now standing there. you decided to speak up and end the awkward silence.

"well I'll be going home now, thank you for the night!" you waved goodbye about to walk off when the two suddenly declared that they were going to walk you home since it was dangerous.

"alright then?" you were unsure if your decision was good or not but whatever. it was a way to end the day off.

when you three began to walk you just walked in silence not knowing what to say. xiao was used to it so he had no problem while reki was looking around the streets.

for the last time maybe?

you guys had arrived reki's house first and you insisted that he go get some rest. he lived in a house that his parents left him with. he was only allowed to live in it alone since his aunt would usually come in.

but usually she was drunk and always out that was what he meant by you were the only one he has.

"get some rest you need it you put too much energy into your bowling," you frowned and he just chuckled. "I wanted to impress you did I do a good job?" he smiled.

"sure now go get some sleep," you softly smiled. he just nodded waving bye but as he was walking away back to his front door he just had the urge.

he turned around quickly and pulled you into a tight hug. he buried his face into your shoulder so no one could see how he was at the edge of tears.

he had no intentions on guilt tripping you he had no intenions on keeping you with him forever he had no intentions on forcing you to be with him.

he wanted to live.

"I wanna live, I wanna live y/n," his voice breaking down. your eyes widen at the sudden touch and his voice cracking.

"I've been an awful person to you lately haven't I? I burdened you with so much shit and just ran away but even with all of that I still wanna live, live with you. Even as friends I just wanna at least visit your wedding," he broke down sobbing.

The feeling of death and knowing there was a timer on him didn't bother him until a few days ago. When he had found out about the illness he had no reaction.

It just meant he had to go but right now? He wanted to live. It was so unfair, why was he born with such an illness?

You didn't know what to say and just patted his back hugging him back letting him cry it all out. He vented about all his emotions and about his dreams.

When he had finished he wiped his tears and apologized to you. He didn't mean to break down like that but having such a good day he realized that he wouldn't be able to have good days forever.

You walked with xiao in silence not knowing what to say.

"y/n? turn around," xiao called out you hadn't even realized you were walking off without him and that he had stopped not too long ago.

"sorry I was spaced out," you forced a smile turning around to see what xiao needed when he suddenly took a step forward.

He placed both hands on each side of your head pulling you closer. He placed his lips on your forehead as if he was assuring you that everything was going to be okay.

"I love you, once you're ready. I'll let you know what happened to me but until that time comes I'll be here."

"so don't cry." he placed his thumbs below your eyes wiping them. you weren't crying but he could probably tell how you felt and just basically told you in his own way.

that he'd wipe your tears everytime you cry.

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