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you just shook it off maybe she was embarrassed of slipping and falling like that. you just asked her if she was alright and she nodded before taking her seat.

"xiao? can we switch seats?" you requested not liking how he was sitting beside her. yeah you were jealous she was a pretty and kind girl who has the possibility of having a crush on him.

"okay?" he agreed he never knew what your intentions were but just shrugged it off not minding anyway and swapped seats with you.

the movie started and it was getting cold you made sure not to make it obvious but your eyes landed on xiao's bored expression.

he had his elbow pressed up against the arm resting spot and his fist leaned against his cheek as he stared at the screen.

you were cold with a jacket on and yet the person who had handed you his wasn't at all? you covered your mouth quietly chuckling at how he really wasn't lying about being used to the cold.

"are you bored?" you whispered leaning closer to xiao's ear not wanting to bother the other people who were watching the movie in peace.

his eyes widen jumping at the sudden voice that whispered into his ear. he accidentally dropped his guard getting lost into his thoughts.

"mhm," he straight up admitted and laughed you were also bored not liking this movie at all but didn't wanna ruin the date for the other two.

"okay then to pass the time how about we try weird combos?" you suggested getting a nod from him. you took a piece of m&m with one buttery popcorn.

"try it," you held the two different snacks together. you were expecting him to take it from you and eat it but instead he slightly opened his mouth.


"tell me how it tastes," you played along feeding him it. he had no reaction to it after swallowing it before he turned to you after a few seconds of silence.


"no shit xiao."

you could see the girl beside you have a bitter look on her expression after watching you feed him. you wanted to so badly to turn and be petty about it but held back.

when the movie ended which xiao and you barely even watched since you guys were busy entertaining each other with dumb games.

you stood up and your legs were going numb stretching felt so nice at that moment. when you guys left childe began to talk about the movie and you had to pretend you even knew the plot.

"um... do you mind if I talk to xiao alone for a little bit? I won't take long I swear," she requested. "uh... sure?" you answered not letting childe answer.

he was probably about to say something dumb when you suddenly grabbed his hand cutting him off and dragging him away.

"huh- what are you doing?" childe was dragged off away. you dragged him behind a wall near the two wanting to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"here I thought you would never do this
y/n," childe chuckled leaning against the wall also wanting to hear this. "you don't know me quite well then childe," you rolled your eyes sarcastically.

"um xiao... i really like you!" she suddenly confessed making your eyes widen. oh hell no. did she not ask out childe?

"what? what about childe?" xiao was suprised at the sudden confession but had no plans on accepting it. even though it may not seem like it, childe was an important person to him.

"I liked him but when you were invited I just fell for you... I know you're with y/n but give me a chance! Please!?" she begged and xiao gave her a disgusted look.

"I'm not interested," he scoffed about to walk away when she grabbed his wrist clearly desperate. in a split second he had pulled away not wanting to be touched by someone.

"don't touch me," he glared at her and she flinched. she sighed looking to the side with a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry... I don't think I can face childe this way! If you ever change your mind please contact me," she whispered that part so you guys couldn't hear it.

She slipped him a small piece of note with her number on it. xiao stared at it his eye twitching, how did he end up in such a situation?

the girl soon ran past him and out the doors not even saying another word. "xiao? are you alright? where did she go?" you came out from the hiding spot pretending you never heard a thing.

"she went home, an emergency." he replied pretending nothing happened and turned to childe and you.

you felt bad for childe and had an idea to cheer him up. "everytime we clean the classrooms we get free snacks everyday and I feel nice today soo I'll treat you to some," you offered with a smile hoping that would cheer up childe.

"yeah that's fine thanks," he lightly smiled appreciating it. "alrightt xiao c'mon," you signaled for xiao to hurry up before walking.

before he followed you he went to a nearby trash can and threw away the slip she had given him just now.

"what are you doing?" childe tilted his head confused at what he was throwing before xiao just stood there with his hand on his neck.

"throwing away trash that's all."

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