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" QIQI "

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" QIQI "

"I'm here."

you just bawled your eyes out into his shoulder. you were attached to reki but you couldn't handle going through the same thing again.

"sorry for that ... let's clean now?" you pulled away wiping your tears. xiao didn't say another word and walked away. you were scared that because he touched you he'd leave.

but that wasn't the case at all, "look up" he requested. you looked up to have him wiping your eyes with a tissue.

"thank you," you smiled that really did it for you. it cheered you up a whole lot knowing there was someone else now, someone who wouldn't leave you like he did.

you guys began cleaning acting like nothing ever happened while you were screaming inside at how you just hugged xiao.

"oh yeah that xiao guy, can I have his insta?" reki continued his conversation not noticing you were even listening.


xiao and you finished cleaning at the same time as always. you guys left the school exhausted but of course late snacks were always a need.

until you spotted a little girl with light purple hair in a long braid. "who's that?" you asked xiao she was leaning against the wall looking as if she was waiting for someone.

"xiao? is that you?" the little girl turned around and her eyes fell on you. her eyes widen but went back to normal after a few seconds.

"is that your little sister?" you assumed but at the same time they looked nothing alike. xiao sighed leaning forward and crouching down to qiqi's height.

"what are you doing here?" xiao's voice soften a little. "zhongli told me to wait for you... who's she?" she turned to you as you were behind xiao with a suprised look.

"ah I'm y/n! xiao's friend, are you his little sister?" you replied. "y/n...?" she repeated and you nodded. she wanted to remember and tried her best to remember the name but she was bound to forget anyway.

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