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" XIAO ... "

The cruise trip had ended after a week of you and xiao exploring. xiao almost fell off the ship but it's okay he didn't die at least.

almost didn't.

you two had to stay after school for classes and had to study harder because of what you two did. it was worth it in the end anyway and your brother didn't mind seeing you brought souvenirs for him.

what a greedy bitch.

"since xiao and y/n left us for a honeymoom trip," venti started still petty about being left behind. xiao and you just looked over to each other shrugging not regretting a single thing.

"why don't we all go somewhere tomorrow!? it's a saturday! venti suggested. "before I agree mind telling me where we're going?" lumine had her doubts.

"a lake river pond I don't know I found it while trying to ... you get the point," venti replied not wanting to even explain what happened to him.

probably a cat chasing him or something and he fell into it.

"yeah sure why not as long as someone doesn't bust their head and drown."

"that was towards you itto"

and so tomorrow arrived you all met up at whatever place venti was talking about. lumine and aether being the amazing people they are brought barbecue.

"who just fell in the- yeah nevermind it was itto," you sighed as you heard a splash already. itto was trying to run towards you guys but slipped on water and fell.

"you good?" childe shouted but there was no response. "I think he is he's been through worse anyway," you replied and soon enough itto came back up for air.

"we're here this guy wanted to come along," xiao had appeared with scara beside him. childe's expression quickly changed and he just jumped in with itto.

"I didn't want to come actually the idea of drowning childe was way too amusing me not to come," scara corrected.

"hey ... isn't that the same thing?"

"he's a little slow," you whispered. "I heard that you bitch," scara shouted and you just turned around pretending you didn't hear him.

"xiao wanna climb somewhere with me?" you ran towards him ignoring scara beside him. "sure?" he answered unsure of whaf you meant by somewhere.

"call us for barbecue!" you yelled and they agreed as you and xiao walked away going towards the spot you were talking about.

it was on a cliff up high on top of the river which had a good spot. you found it following hu tao as she got lost trying to find where venti was.

you sat at the edge and so did xiao you were swinging your legs humming thinking of what to say when xiao spoke up.

"do you still have my jacket?" he questioned, "yeah why?" you replied until he pushed your hair to the side. he pulled out a necklace from his pocket.

"a locket?" your eyes widen as he put it around your neck. "it's my thank you for putting up with someone like me," he smiled.

the locket had a picture of xiao and you ay the cruise. you couldn't help but smile and thank him for it.

"hey xiao can I ask you something?" you had made up your mind about it. you love xiao more than anyone. you didn't wanna lose him.

he nodded, "will you stay with me after highschool?" you finally asked.

"are you proposing to me y/n?"

"fuck you I take that ba-"

"yes I will."

"no empty promises then."

if you two ended up going to two different universities it didn't matter in the end. if some guy or girl were to approach either one of you.

the answer would always be a no.

that was a promise.

"hey venti do you even know what this place is called?" lumine hummed as she began to prep the food.

"no? well maybe I think this place is called the venti lake I may or may not have picked it because it was named after me."

lumine had dropped her plate shattering it on the floor catching everyone's attention, "venti ... this lake is known for the rocks and cliffs breaking a part easily."

it was already too late there was a scream in the distance and everyone immediately recognized it was you.

the promises the two of you made maybe were just empty in the first place, it can't be fulfilled if one is missing.

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