Chap 7 Lucid Dreams

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"I don't have to listen to you."
Poseidon's eyes stared off into the distance with his chin resting on his knuckles.

"Can you at least look at me?"

Poseidon took a second before rolling his eyes to look down at you. Small and radiating with light. You weren't so thin like most.
There was a softness to your waist and curve to your body, his hand opening and closing. He knew how your skin felt when he squeezed it.

"What's beneath the surface?"
Poseidon looked away, not amused by your question.
"Why do you want me to stay away from Hades?"
You asked ignorantly.
"Is it really worth it?" Poseidon's eyes rolled back to you clearly upset. "To be asking these foolish questions. It's annoying."

You giggled in amusement as your cheeks blushed like roses

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You giggled in amusement as your cheeks blushed like roses. Something about you mentioning Hades bothered him. Taking your time to walk up the steps to his throne his hand opened and closed with every step you took. His eyes would glance over curiously to see if your breasts would bounce whenever you walked.

Parting your legs to straddle him Poseidon's l hands reached behind you sliding beneath your dress squeezing between your soft inner thighs roughly.
Nibbling your soft spots on your neck his hands firmly squeezed your inner thighs causing a moan to escape from you.

Seeing the hairs on your neck rise sparked his inner hunger. Hearing how you reacted to his touch made him want more.

"What's so important that you must see Hades?"

His hands squeezed your ass firmly pulling you in closer he thrusted upwards to see you in his mercy. Sitting upright your arms closed around his neck as you looked up to gaze into your titans eyes. Fixing you against his waist he thrusted once more, enough to help him focus on your expression.

You knew he was upset and he enjoyed how you were so vulnerable to him. There shouldn't be a need for Hades.

"They are going to take me away. Hades promised to keep my soul safe." Poseidon's arms closed on your back pulling you in closer. "Who?" He asked quickly as you leaned in.

His ears seemed more pointed. Even his muscles had expanded. His facial structures were more rough and toned. "A god. A god wants to take me away."

His fingers ran through the back of your hair as he pulled you in closing his eyes glowing with rage. "What god?"
Your whisperers echoed in his head until he woke up.

These dreams have plagued him since the day he met you. Always something or someone wanting to take away his y/n. A mystery god that wants to take you away from him.

A white body pillow rested between his arms. Sitting up he looked around and on your bedside floor seeing you curled up, bringing you back to bed caging you beneath forcing you look into his eyes.

"You are mine y/n."

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