chap 20- Dance

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--- warning emotional and physical harm-- Updated . -

During supper Poseidon seated beside you as you just picked at your food. He leaned his elbows against his thighs slouching.

Someone in a black butler like suit played his violen beautifully. At the moment you can't stand anything not even this beautiful song he's playing. You hated everyone in here. Including that basters playing the violen.

Looking at Poseidon you were in shock to see him. Was he slouching?!
Nope! This meal was poisoned or drugged!

Staying silent his gaze starred at nothing. Truly he was just hoping to see what you would do with his presence. Attempting to be like a human. Showing you he can break his role as God. He can relax around you even in front of his subjects.

All he wishes for is to feel the warmth of your arms wrap around him. He wished for that. Just to see you smile whenever you looked at him.

Why can't you just admire him?
Why can't you just let go of the past?
Why not forgive him?
The mind of a God saw nothing wrong with what they do.

Even now he knows he will get none of your affection. But he will try.

"I'm going to kill you someday." You poked the yolk of the egg, scrambling it everywhere. The sight of your own breakfast. Of this pathetic looking egg that you scrambled.

You were holding back from throwing the plate. From flipping this entire table over. You meant every word you said. You were going to kill every God that wronged you. You can't sleep, you can't live or let go. They took from you. They took from every one.

Poseidon must die.

Getting up you look down at him as he fixes his posture to stand before you.
"Don't try to intimidate me." He spoke softly. Just seemed to be tired for a God.
He was tired of how this relationship is going.

Grabbing the fork from the table you attempted to stab him. When he gripped your wrist you dropped the fork stabbing him in the gut.

"I remember them. I don't even have peace when I sleep. I remember everything."

Poseidon leaned in closer to the fork as it pierced him deeper. "Be patient. The memories will fade. The past will smooth itself out like sand."

"You make it sound like you can make it all go away. So easy for you isn't it? To just make things go away when they don't go the way you -"

Poseidon gripped your cheeks tightly. Breaking your wrist you screamed in his palm as he removed the fork tossing it to the side.

"You are so weak! So powerless!" Aggressively pushing you to the table making the dishes fall back he leaned in growing in size.

"You are mine! It is as simple as that! What's worth mine is not your concern? It's not of your worth but it is to me. I get what I want. Us Gods don't need to ask or beg. We take what is ours by fault!"

He ripped your dress as you begin to struggle beneath him praying to any God.

\\Hera! Athena! Artemis! Jesus! Anyone! Damn demons take my soul! Burn my skin! I just don't want it anymore! //
Ground -0

"Whatever worth you have in this world is to be given to the sea. She keeps it beneath her sand. The cold darkness of the abyss is where we will find our home."

Your father reached beneath the muddy waters where you were stuck. Pulling you across the mudlands from your arm dragging you until he reached the boat.
What was once a city was layered in mud and debris.

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