Chap 37 Fruit of Lies

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"You can see me can't you?"
The voice was clear.
"Not really.." you believed those words came out of you. "I'm confused. I'm lost..."
"It is normal to be alone." The voice responded.
"Where am I?" You asked still unable to see or feel anything. Yet it felt as if you were alive. Someplace.

"Father?" You asked having the feelings of your arms reaching out but nothing was moving. Your body wasn't there. "What's going on? How can I hear you? How do I know it's you? I-i"

"Find your way back. My daughter.. The sea is our home."

"Father. I, I can't beat them..."
"My child. Enough...  Our time comes. You are with me." You felt his words. Felt the silence. "Yes father... But my time is not through.."

"What do you think she's dreaming of?" Poseidon asked Hera. "She must be thinking of revenge."

Poseidon squeezed a towel with oils and soup. "I must bathe my wife." He gently washed your legs and feet. "She never liked being dirty." He smiled remembering you in the hot springs. "She enjoyed your hot springs." He looked at Hera.
"It's where she's safe from eyes. At least I believed her to be. Now I know you were the one watching her."

"I, I just wanted the best for her. She's not this concrete pillar like she imagines herself to be. She's small, delicate, with a bit of a bite. That's why I fell for her Hera. To ever imagine you going behind my back. It makes me wonder.."

"She does love you Poseidon. You haven't made it easy for her." Hera worked on a small dress for you. "Do you think she'll like it?" She asked him.
"She loves all your gifts Hera."
"Why has she not worn the dresses I've made her?" She asked in question.
"She's never had luxury. Even the pearls I give her are kept away. She puts them away.." he places a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Tell me Hera. What can I do to fix this. I can't have her wage war on us. I am the one who caused her pain. But I do what I must."
Hera raised her hand to silence him. "She doesn't even know the bad things I've done. Our history is written in blood. We have done too much harm to the humans. I myself am guilty. I knew her war with the Gods would also include me. But," Hera looked down at the dress. "I was only using her. Believing she would succeed in defeating my husband.. I was wrong."
Poseidon looked away getting socks to put on your feet.

"I was as well." He leaned in to caress your cheek.
The blind fold was to protect your eyes as they developed and healed. "If she comes back to me. I'll make her the happiest woman. I'll make you the happiest woman."
He leaned in kissing your forehead tenderly.

"Then give her back her soul Poseidon."
Hera reached out to hold his wrist. "We will do the right thing. I will not use her. I will no longer feed her fantasies. You will give her back her soul."

Poseidon took in a deep breath making his chest puff out as he exhaled. "I'll return. Stay by her side Hera. I must speak to my brother. If her soul is what she wants then I'll retrieve her soul."

"Your brother may want something in return Poseidon." She looked at him worried.
"That is my problem." He moved away from her hand as he left the chambers.

Hera looked at you shaking her head. "Dear child. I apologize for this. If I had better things to say I'd say them. Sadly, I know you can't hear me. I'll save my words for when you come back to us. I'll make you more clothes than the stars above us. Beautiful child. Come back to us..." She wiped a tear away and continued to work on your dress.


"How is she?" Beelzebub asked, waiting outside  the room chamber. Poseidon reached over choking his neck raising him up against he wal his feet not touching the floor.
"You may have saved my wife's life. But she will never look at you. You will not chase her. She owes you nothing."

Beelzebub held Poseidon wrist wincing. "If I find out you did something to her. If I find out you are experimenting on my wife. She is not your test subject." He released him before walking away as Beelzebub held his neck watching Poseidon walk away. A sinister smile crossed his lips.

He did not wish to say anything out loud but he does have his own plans for you. "We shall see.." he mumbled before knocking on the chamber doors before entering.
"Beelzebub, what is it you want?" Hera asked , having her suspicion. "To check up on my patient of course." He closed the door behind as he slowly walked over to you. Leaning in he slowly lifted the blind fold. "Her recovery is taking time. The new tissue is pink..there will be some bleeding."

He slid his fingers down your arm feeling the smoothness of the new skin he made you. "She'll be beautiful when she heals." He imagined you blooming like a butterfly. His fingers slid underneath your palm to hold your hand.
"That's enough Beelzebub. Respect her!" She stood up making him glare at her. "She is Poseidon's wife. You are foolish to even believe her to be yours."

Beelzebub smirked. "Friends." He stated.
"If you were her friend you would not be spying on her with your instincts. You would not be invading the dreams of Poseidon or hers. Be gone with you!"

Beelzebub looked back down to you raising your hand and he placed a tender kiss. As he looked up Hera slapped him across the face. "Now!" She demanded as he backed away and left. "I'll return soon." He wasn't talking to Hera. He was talking to you.
"Don't listen to him child. He is not what he seems. We were in need of his help to save you. But by my bearings, I will make sure you are safe." She covered you with a silk blanket tucking you in.

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