26- Ego

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"Understandable. Do you have some form of reasoning?" Nikola asked Poseidon. It's not like he's dealing with a God. Nikola is tempted to biologically in some way call him (fish man).

Lives in the sea - Check

Can't stand interaction with humans - Check

Stays dormant - Check

Not being judgemental. Nikola knows Poseidon has ZERO comprehensive skills when it comes to humans. ZERO gives a fucks.

"It is my understanding that you know my wife."

Nikola pinched his chin tilting his head trying to hold back his laughter. But.

Resting the palm of his hand on his forehead snickering at what (fish man) had said.

Brushing his hair back to reveal his smug smile. One that resembles Poseidon's smirk smile.

"Your wife?"

Nikola asked.

"Yes. My wife." Poseidon couldn't stand this, this- he can't even think of the word!

"I apologize. But you were the cause of her pain. The cause of her losses. Y/n would never become your wife!"

Nikola leaned back on the wall to control himself. The man is normally confident and well mannered. Now he's short tempered and agitated. "This doesn't add up. Y/n would never be yours."

Poseidon slammed his trident right above Nikolas head.

"I am not wrong. She is not your wife. She's just with you until-"

If not for Brunhilda appearing to pull Nikola away from Poseidon's next attack. Nikola would have no longer existed.

There wasn't a sound of something being smashed. There wasn't a sound of anything big happening at all. When Nikola opened his eyes to find the wall he once leaned up against was gone. Not just the wall but anything else that was behind it. The ground was stripped clean.

Nikola stood in shock.

"Don't temper the Gods. It's a dangerous game you are playing." Brunhilda advised Nikola.

Poseidon was nowhere to be seen.

Hera stopped through the other side of the hall. "What in? Who did this!" Her loving hall was destroyed by Poseidon's rage.


"How soundless you sleep my dear." This uninvited guest. The introducer had once again found its way to your room.

"To hear you praying for me every night. To hear you beg for me. It's quite pitiful. The howling screeching pain. This hunger drives me to my edge."

Snuggling his face against your neck to tenderly bite the soft skin on your neck.

"Weeping to be saved from this nightmare of yours. No other God will answer you. So desperate you were to call out for any other entity. Something or someone."

The warmth in his body caused the chills you were suffering from to stop.

"No one else heard your sweet little cries but me." His lips hovered over yours.

"This suffering will end tonight."

Opening your eyes to see this figure over your. The collar of whatever they wore seemed to have two buttons that resembled fly eyes.

"Y/n. You lost your soul because of that fool Poseidon. Our contract still remains set. You have no soul to repay me back with. It's not your fault." He placed tender kisses across your cheek.

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