chap 29- For all but one

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Sound asleep you felt a pair of arms around your waist pulling you into a mouth. Waking up to look under the covers seeing glowing red eyes with a demonic face ran your body cold with pleasure.

Its hand reached out to cover your mouth to prevent you from screaming, shutting your eyes, kicking and punching its face. 


Your eyes started rolling back while you held its horns on its head, surprised you didn't actually hurt yourself.

Its hand was big enough to cover your throat and still keep your lips between its index and middle finger.  

It was enough to make you shake. With such care he held your thighs feeling and explored them, closing them on his cheeks nodding his head side to side making his tongue do all kinds of things inside you. 

A sudden knock at the door startled you. Jumping up you were in shock to see Poseidon walking in. "I'll be sleeping with you tonight." 

"Oh?" You said as he put his trident to the side of the end frame. Stripping naked he slid himself into the bed pulling you in close. 

"Why'd you go to the underworld?"

His hand scratched the back of your head before massaging your neck. You didn't really want to answer in fact even he could feel how the mood shifted. 

"What did you do today?" He tried to change the subject only to receive silence.

 "Being silent is fine for others. It's not for you." Closing your cheek in hand to kiss your lips there was no response. 

Sighing he caressed the strand of your hair to the side. Continuing to peck you sweet kisses. 

It's not that you were being rude. It's not like that at all. 

It's just. 


"Don't make me ask you again." He growled nuzzling into your neck nipping your skin. "So badly you want to leave me." His hands closed with yours. 

"My y/n." His weight shifted onto yours; his hands couldn't be kept in one place. "I want you to be with me. Just with me." 

Tearing your nightgown off his hands closed onto your breasts firmly squeezing them until the thumps teased the tips of your nipples. Circling around them massaging your sore breasts.  Grinding between your thighs he was big for you. 

"You're already wet." He whispered, breathing heavily, rubbing his member between your entrances. 

A sudden shut of the door caused him to stop. 


Sitting by the fountain you were alone and quiet. It's been unsettling. Poseidon is aware there is someone else. It's not that he's gone most of the time. 

But again!!! He's a God. Time runs differently for them.  There's days you are alone.. completely… 

"Why would it be?" Beelzebub appeared beside you. 

Gasping in surprise you didn't even hear him. "When did you?" 

His gaze slowly turned to you. Smooth complexion of charms and wonders. "Does my presence bother you?" He asked, smiling. In some way he seemed more fragile, weak, timid as if he were ill of something.

"Who are you?" You asked.

"I've told you before. Why would it be that you won't say my name?" 

Looking down at the cane with the skull you were sure of it.

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