Chap 22 - Seen

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"Hera. How do you deal with Zeus?"
You asked the wife of Zeus. "We loved, we fought, we only have ourselves."

She only spared a glance at your direction.
Seeing how pitiful and small.
"Go away. I'm afraid you are just not intelligent enough for me to speak to."

She stood her ground waiting for you to leave. This was the hall of the Gods. It allowed Gods to freely go place to place. Takes a while but some goddesses like Hera use it. She takes her time within these halls. Wherever she turns light always follows.
"Such ease." there was pride with everything she did.

Her manner to attend to someone like you was seen as more of an intrusion. Some annoying animal smudge within these great halls. She wanted you to leave.
Make sure this smudge is gone from her sight. The absolute lip wrenching face she hid from you was nothing more but her holding her composure.

Hermes being attended by your side was the only thing keeping you safe.
"Hera.. just anything.."

You said feeling defeated.
"It's humiliating..."

Hera stopped biting her lip as she turned to look down at you. Reaching out to pinch your chin to have you look up. She straightened your back and shoulders. Looking into your eyes seeing you hold back your tears.

"You are maturing. You are growing. If you want to even come close to us. To thrive with us then be more vicious. There is no punishment for a God. You are not one of us. You have no soul. Survive as long as you can live for yourself girl."

Turning her back away you were left stunned. "It's time to leave the nest, little crab."

Hearing her call you that in the most tender way she could say made your heart melt. Never knew your mother. Grew up with your father. To hear Hera even say such a nickname in the most motherly way brought a spark of strength.

As she strided away her voice echoed through the halls.

"I'd refer your counseling needs to the Valkyries."

Hermes bowes at her request. "I will make sure to escort her there."

Heading to the Valkyries along the way you were able to make eye contact with one in particular. "Who is she?"
You asked Hermes.

"Ahh that is Brunhilde. She is recruiting fighters for torment." Hermes smiles like a snake covering his mouth.
"I've said too much."

"What tournament?" You asked now curious as Brunhilde kept her eyes on you. Yours never left hers.

"Well. It's for your sweet planet. Earth. If Earth's strongest fighters win then humanity can continue as it is. If, they lose."

"They die.. Everyone.." you finish his sentence. "Yes, that would be a tragedy for you wouldn't it be?"
He meant to be harsh but even he could help but to ask. Hermes is out of touch with mostly everything. To even know what you are feeling. All he can do is play his part in caring for you.

After Heras (kind) actions towards you. Hermes caught a glimpse of another side of you. It made him curious. To see if he would be able to bring that side of you.

Reaching out to gently slide his fingers beneath your chin. His eyes were staring deeply into yours as he kept his smug smile.
"Quit hard to keep this cute face of yours clean."

Using his white cloth to wipe away some fruit juice Hera left on your chin. Hera always forgets to wipe her fingers after eating raspberries.

"It's quite difficult to remove the stains."
Leaning in closer to lick some of it off you smacked him across the face. "I'll clean myself."

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