chap 21 - Interloper

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"If a God asked you how my relationship with Poseidon would be. What would you say, Hermes? It's Hermes right?"

Hermes stood beside your chair while you just stared at the marble floor. Leaning before you he smiles in response to Hermes being his name. "That is my name. If Zeus or Hera or Hades were to ask me. The relationship of the human and master Poseidon is as it should be. Frankly there are no issues during intercourse. Even if the lady is on her rag the lord of the seas doesn't care."

Standing up you smack him across the face.

"You think it's enjoyable to be here? To have no control of your body. It's humiliating. Everything here, everyone here. Nothing more humiliation... my existence to be locked up and used.."

Your voice cracked as the deep pitting feeling in your chest devoured your heart. Your voice didn't matter. The way you felt or your situation. Didn't matter. For many this would be a dream come true. But it wasn't.

Poseidon killed people. Just because he could. He took you as a human just because he could. Your soul is now forever lost somewhere. This body you have has no soul. It's living and breathing because of Hades.

In all honesty your life is now more like a doll's life. Nothing about you feels right. Seems like it's okay for everyone else around you. The servants talk about it.

"Just wait until Poseidon finds himself another human wife to take in. Even if they were to be together he would not be honest towards her. "

She is fragile minded. Sooner or later her greed, personality, everything she once was will no longer be."

"She will forever blame Poseidon for everything."

"Let her. Medusa, paid her death for seducing the God. This human girl will soon have his son's."

"He has many children."

Nothing more whispers in the halls. In the bedchambers you'd hear them speak outside your door. There was no peace.

"I would say all of that to a God if they truly cared." Hermes genuously smiled at you as you stood before him. "Lady," he said naturally. "Lady of this castle, I wouldn't say such things to the Gods if you were to just simply ask me to do so."

He gently places his fingertips on his cheeks. Seemed what he said angered you to point of smacking him.

"I demand you never answer them. I demand you Hermes. Promise me you'll never speak of what has happened here. Or .."

your voice cracked as this man before you seemed to actually pity you.

"Or what happened the other day." He finished your sentence seeing how you seemed to deeply struggle with the memorie.

Reaching out with a white cloth he gently tried to tap a tear away only to have his hand slapped away from you. "Don't touch me." You say wiping your tears and walking away from him.

Hermes is the messenger of the Gods. Yet Poseidon has won a bet into having Hermes be of service. This bet would take up 400 years of Hermes personal life. Now to be a servant to the Tyrant of the seas for 400 years, Hermes was put in charge of servicing you.

Seeing you to be alone all the time. After the incident that occured. Poseidon couldn't find the courage to explain himself to you. He didn't mean to make things look that bad. To traumatize you. Now you think he wanted to do you harm. Hermes is to keep you company. He is to take whatever and Poseidon meant "Whatever order." you made Hermes do. He had no choice but to obey.

Because Gods have the ability to choose who they wish to be. That doesn't always mean the one they choose wants them in return. It's like imprinting. Expect the Gods do it all the time. It's another reason as to why they don't want to be with humans. They grow attached to humans.

Poseidon doesn't understand why he acts the way he does around you. It's not just lust. It's not because you are a goddess. It's none of that. You are a plane human that grew up with a pirate father. One you believed caught fish for a living. Truly he stole...

Everything you have lived is a lie.

"It's no wonder..."

Poseidon looked at his statue fountain. Same one from his dreams. His statue shattered in his dreams. Lost in thought of his actions. Is it worth it? To change all he is. All he has known just for you?

This was to be true he will never leave the seas. Never.

What he feels for you is an eternal bond. Because of that he fears going back to the surface. Afraid that he might accidentally mark another human.

That would devastate you.

You are his little human.

He failed to keep you safe. Lost your soul.

Failed to keep your smile. Failed as a God in doing anything for one human.

This need to end the human race. It's to stop the Gods from ever marking another human. From ever having anything to do with humans. You hate him. "It's all their fault."

Poseidon gripped his trident tightly.

It's the human race's fault. If there were no more humans, no more civilization you wouldn't be so sad. So upset. There wouldn't be another place to call home but his. There would be no other man to run to but him. There would be no worry of you being replaced. That's what he wants.

He just doesn't know how to express everything he has to say, to you. For years his thoughts have been his own. Not much one to share with others. It's different with you. He wants to talk to you. Be with you. Make you happy. To redo the wrongs he did at the same time he also wants to end the human race..

Just the mind of a God.

Pieces of Poseidon's statue that was centered in the fountain fell into the water and onto the ground.

Poseidon had destroyed his own statue that was made for him. A replica of him. Like in his dreams the pieces had fallen into the same position.

Stepping back to cover his mouth there was no shock just confusion. Could his dreams be trying to say something to him? It's unusual for a God to dream. Yet here he is with strong deja vu moment.

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