Chapter 1

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Damon Stewart stood, feet planted, arms crossed, staring at the crime scene in front of him. Another man dead. Middle-aged. Single.

His fellow homicide investigator, Jake Oriole, walked up to him. "The MO matches. Bullet to the back of the head, hands tied behind their back. And then the usual type of person."

Damon sighed and ran a hand through his brown hair, "What was his profession?" The other four men were all different. There was a construction worker, banker, teacher, and a chef.

Jake flipped through his small notebook, "He was an accountant."

"Not related to any of the other professions."


Damon sighed again. "Great." The small house was only one bedroom, with a tiny living room and kitchen. The man was found sitting at his kitchen table, his head lying on the table. It gave his neighbor quite a scare.

Crime scene investigators, Olivia Murray and Payton Quantum stood up and stretched. Olivia backed away while Payton took pictures of the scene. Then Olivia took samples of the dead man's blood and dusted for prints.

Damon made a mental list. Five men, different professions, all lived in Colorado. All single, and middle-aged. None of their ethnicities were similar either. He needed a big break in this case. Or he wasn't going to get the promotion to lead homicide detective he wanted.

He had quit his previous job, a SWAT member. The gruesome reality of shooting people for justice didn't sit well with him. So he switched to resolving the crimes and bringing closure to families.

He led a simple life as a bachelor. He had tried dating seriously, but all it brought was heartache. All his friends said to wait for the right woman, but they had all found their matches and always told him of the positive outcomes.

Never the negative.

So he accepted reality. Life was good. He had nothing to complain about. Nothing except for how he needed some tinge of hope for this case in order to get his promotion.

"No prints." Olivia told him.

Damon groaned, "Like always."

"Hey Damon?" Jake had been on a phone call, but now he pocketed his phone and walked up to Damon with a grim expression.

He felt his stomach drop. "Bad news?"

Jake shrugged, "Depends on how you look at it."


"They're hiring a private detective to help with the case."

Damon gave him a blank look. There went his promotion.


Raelyn Mitchells hurried off the jet bridge and into Denver's big airport. So much for a nice, relaxing vacation in Florida. Her best friend and co-worker, Natalie Thomas had called her on the second week of her vacation. Cops in Colorado Springs needed help with a serial killer case.

So, she packed her bags and caught a red-eye flight to Denver. Florida would have to wait.

Denver wasn't her hometown, she lived in Florence, Colorado. A small town, but with lovely people. Lovely people and not so great memories. Raelyn and her best friend Natalie had started a private detective agency in Florence and business was booming. Because the memories in Florence weren't the greatest, Raelyn usually took jobs outside the city and farther away so she could distance herself. Raelyn was known as one of the best private detectives in all of Colorado.

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