Chapter 14

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Raelyn's phone beeped with an incoming message from Olivia. The phone number showed up for Hank Xavier. "Damon, come on." She had seen him wanting to call Hank, and she was fine if he joined her.

Together, they found an empty workroom and Raelyn dialed the number Olivia sent her. It rang a couple times before she heard it pick up.

"Hello?" A timbre voice answered.

Raelyn quickly put the phone on speaker and held it out for Damon to speak if he needed to. "Hi. Is this Hank Xavier?"

"Yes ma'am. Who might you be?"

"I am private detective Raelyn Mitchells and my friend with me is Damon Stewart, local homicide investigator. We have a favor to ask you."

Hank chuckled. "A favor?"

"Yes. You may or may not be aware of a serial killer on the loose. Her name is Ava Uruola. She kills single men from her graduating class, who asked her out on one date, then dumped her." Raelyn let the information sink in.

Hank gasped. "That's awful. Wait, Ava Uruola?"

"Rampart high school, 1996. You two were in the same class." Damon added.

"And I asked her out on one date. Then dumped her."

"Correct. To put our favor simply, we would like to use you as bait. A press conference, where Ava can see and remember you. She'll target you. We'll catch her." Raelyn explained.

"I don't like the sound of that."

"We know. But we're the good guys. We would have US Marshals protect you. You would bring closure to many families and help put a killer behind bars. Please consider it." Damon's voice at a pleading edge, but still firm.

Raelyn's gaze met Damon's. Hank had been quiet. Damon shrugged one shoulder as if to say, "He might do it. He might not."

After a long sigh, Hank groaned, "I'll do it."

"Thank you sir. This is greatly appreciated. A US Marshal will pick you up from your house tomorrow for the press conference. Don't worry about a thing. We'll have it all planned out."


The next evening, Damon, Raelyn, Jake, Gary, Holly, Hank, Bobby, the chief, and two US Marshals sat around a big screen TV in the conference room. Hank had recorded the conference earlier and it was going to stream any minute.

The newscast theme played, the reporter introduced herself. "Hi, this is Harriet Maybrook from KKTV." She went on to say a few more things, then introduced the conference.

The chief appeared on the screen, serious and sullen. He explained Ava's case with slim details, but enough to get the ball rolling.

Then Hank appeared. Turns out, he was a great actor. His face was covered in fear and his hands trembled. "Hi Harriet."

The reporter smiled. "Mr. Xavier. We have been told you went to high school with the killer and the men she killed."

"Yes. I knew those men personally. I am filled with grief to see them go. I want the killer caught."

"Any worries that the killer might come after you?" Harriet played right into their hands.

"Yes, many worries. I've been told that the killer's MO is to kill single men from her class who asked her out on a date, then dumped her. I am single, graduated with her, went on one date, then dumped her. I am high on the list of people she wants dead."

Damon inwardly grimaced. Hank made it slightly obvious that they might be luring Ava out. He just prayed that Ava didn't see past that.

The chief came on screen again and added a bit more. Hank said a few more things, but Damon zoned out. All he was thinking about was how to catch Ava so she could rot in jail for the rest of her life.

And by the grim expression on Raelyn's face, she was thinking the same.

The conference ended and the reporter switched to the local news. The chief stood and stretched. "Good job. Now catch her." He walked out.

Bobby squeezed Damon's shoulder as he left. "I have full confidence that this will be over within the week."

"I sure hope so."

Hank was escorted out by the Marshals, with the order to stay home and lie low. Ava usually killed in the home and if he was there twenty-four seven, it would make him an easy target. Also easy to protect.

"So now what?" Holly wondered aloud.

"We watch Hank closely. Ava will strike. The minds of serial killers are twisted. If there is someone she needs dead, it will happen."

"She better strike soon."

"Roger reported a week before he was killed that he felt someone was following him. But he didn't have evidence so we couldn't do anything. It could be a week or two." Jake informed them.

Raelyn shook her head, "I can't wait that long."

"You and me both." Gary's ever-present gum popped in his mouth.

Raelyn stood up and gathered her things. "I'm heading home. Call me if there is anything you need."

Damon took that as his cue. "I'll walk you out. I'm heading home too. Keep in touch." He copied Raelyn's actions and grabbed his stuff. After exiting the room, Raelyn rearranged her things in her arms. "You don't have to walk me out."

"I know."

Raelyn looked like she wanted to say something. He watched the debate go on in her head. On her face. "Grandma Jo has been asking about you ever since our little episode."

"Our little episode?"



She waved her hand. "Yes, anyways. Grandma Jo wants you to join us for dinner. She cooks up something big every night so you wouldn't be an imposition. And this would distract both of us from the case."

"Sure, I'd love to come."

She smiled, "Great."

Twenty minutes later Damon pulled into Grandma Jo's driveway behind Raelyn's car. Raelyn stepped out of her car, and he did the same. He joined her by the front door. Raelyn's arms were full. "Could you grab the key? It's under the plant on the holder."

Damon did so. "That seems dangerous."

"A key in the plant? Yes, but she won't listen to me."

Damon unlocked the door and held it open for Raelyn. Once she was inside, he put the key back then closed the door behind him.

"Grandma Jo, Damon came for dinner."

Damon smelled... pancakes?

Grandma Jo's short figure appeared in front of him. "Damon! So glad to see you. We're having breakfast for dinner."

"It smells amazing."

"Thank you dear. Just sit back and relax, you've had a busy couple of weeks. Raelyn, you too. Dinner's almost ready."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Damon, I'm sure." Grandma Jo disappeared back into the kitchen.

Damon found Raelyn had gone to the couch. "Hey."


"What's on your mind?" He could tell she was deep in thought.

"When this is all said and done, what happens?"

"What do you mean?"

"I go back to Florence. I don't live here."

Realization struck. She would leave. "Let's talk about that another time."

Raelyn didn't like the suggestion, but rolled with it. "Fine."

"Dinner is ready!"

"Coming!" Raelyn called. "Let's eat. I'm starving."

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