Chapter 8

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Damon looked up when Raelyn entered the conference room in a business suit. She looked like she had gotten zero sleep. And she avoided any type of eye contact with him.

"Thank you all for coming. I wanted an update on the case." The chief of police said.

Nods and murmurs went around. This was fine, it was a break from work. Damon looked down the table at Raelyn. Her hands were folded over her closed computer. Her shoulders were tight and her posture was perfect. But her eyes spoke volumes. He knew there had been little sleep the night before. And he knew that she was trying to avoid him.

"Damon, can you give me an update?"

Damon registered the question and took his eyes off of Raelyn. He cleared his throat, "We have found the name of the prime suspect, which is Ava Uruola. There has also been a connection found between the dead men. They all went to and graduated from the same high school, along with Ava. We also have a reason to believe that Ava is involved in some way, either the killer herself, or working for the killer. We are meeting with another classmate of the men to see if we can find any connections between Ava and the dead men. Total, we have six men dead and we are hoping that no more die."

The chief gave him a rare smile, "Nice work." Then he turned to Raelyn, "And am I to presume that you were very helpful in these findings?"

Raelyn sat up straighter, "Yes sir, but it wasn't just all me. I had plenty of help from Damon. Also Holly and Jake. Really, I couldn't have done it without them."

Damon sat back with a quiet thud. She was trying to help Bobby see that he was the one for the promotion. When in reality, she had done most of the work.

"I'm glad we hired you then, you have helped us move along well. Also encouraged some of our detectives to work harder. We are so thankful for your help Ms. Mitchells." Bobby told Raelyn.

Raelyn nodded, "Glad to help."

"We still haven't caught the killer." Gary mentioned.

Raelyn pressed her lips into a tight line, "I know."

"But we plan to catch them soon." Jake confirmed.

Took the words right out of his mouth.

A few more things were updated before the chief let everyone go. He had tried to make eye contact with Raelyn but she had her gaze either settled on whoever was talking or her hands. Damon adjusted his suit. He hated how the chief made them dress up for conference meetings. His eyes flickered to Raelyn. Although she did look beautiful in that suit. So classy, formal. Professional. That side of her he was still trying to figure out.

Raelyn suddenly appeared at his side, and up close he noticed how tired she looked. "Hi."

"Hi." Damon saw her cover a yawn.

"You look very pretty today."

Raelyn's head snapped up to him. "Thanks. You don't look half bad yourself."

He grinned, but then lost his smile when her face went blank and looked tired. "Raelyn, how many hours of sleep did you get last night?"

Raelyn managed a half smile, "Two and a half."

Damon raised an eyebrow, "I'm guessing it wasn't just because you stayed up late. Which you didn't, right?"

"I didn't stay up late." Raelyn absently told him, while she talked with Gary for a little bit. When he left, she turned back to him. "I just couldn't sleep."

"Why not?"

She grimaced, "It's nothing."

"Nightmares about the bomb?"

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