Chapter 2

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Raelyn smiled at Holly, who was clearly ecstatic to work with her. Holly seemed nice, she knew Jake was polite, but working with Damon Stewart could prove to be a real killjoy.

She stood and followed Holly to a separate workroom. Holly adjusted her suit. "We can work here. There are four good computers. Feel free to set up and get comfortable."

"Thanks." Raelyn took in the room. The place had four desks, three on one wall and one on the other. The walls were a dark grey, poorly decorated with plaques and certificates. The wall with only one desk had an empty table and two tall filing cabinets along the edge. Raelyn chose the middle desk along the row of three.

Damon and Jake came in shortly, talking quietly. Jake smiled at her, "Ms. Mitchells."

Raelyn hated people calling her that. "Please. Raelyn."

"Okay. Raelyn it is." Jake chose a desk in the back corner of the room. "I say start with hospital records."

"Works for me." Damon said from his spot at a desk near Raelyn's.

Of course she was the only woman in here as Holly was called out to help with something. Raelyn was glad she hadn't chosen a dress for the meeting. Now she could sit comfortably in her pants. She kicked off her high heels, which were giving her feet blisters. She pulled her laptop out of her computer bag and set it up on the desk. She would give these men the benefit of the doubt, but checking their schools was probably smarter to do first than hospital records. But no matter, she'd do hospital records first.

Raelyn twisted the cap off the water bottle Holly had given her and noticed Damon was staring at her with a judgmental look. "What?"

His gaze dropped to her discarded shoes. "Nothing."

"Okay." Raelyn shook her head slightly and went back to her work. Five hours later she was ninety-nine percent sure that there was no connection between the men and their medical records. The serial killer was either just picking single men randomly or their reason was hidden somewhere else.

Raelyn had been working in her new office all day with one ear listening to conversations around her. She needed to know who she was working with and the best way to do that was to listen.

Jake was married with two young boys. She guessed they were about eight and ten years old. His wife was a second grade teacher at the local Christian school. He was a nice man, polite, quiet, but smart.

Holly had a fiancé who owned what seemed like a large chain of restaurants. Holly was an energetic, upbeat woman who got excited over little things.

Damon was single. Apparently he used to be SWAT but quit for a reason she couldn't place. He was aiming for the lead homicide detective promotion. He seemed nice, smart, tough, but not to her. She figured it was because she was taking his chance to prove himself to the chief.

Without realizing it, her and Damon were the only two people left working. Raelyn slipped her shoes on and put her things back in her bag. Standing, she turned to Damon, "I'm going to go. Have a good evening."

He quickly stood, surprising her. "I'll walk you out."

Raelyn was good with directions, she knew where to go. "No, I know how to-"

"It wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me." He interrupted.

Interrupting wasn't very gentlemanly but Raelyn let it go. "Okay, I suppose." She straightened her back and followed Damon down the halls. He stopped at one office. "Hi Hunter."

Raelyn crossed her arms. Offer to help her out but then stop to chitchat? She had work to do. Sleep to get.

A tall, muscular man stepped out of the office. Damon introduced him, "Raelyn, this is Hunter, he works for SWAT. Hunter, this is Raelyn, the private detective I was telling you about."

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