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Fourth Months Later

Raelyn dropped her purse onto the counter of her home. It had been a crazy four months. Work had been crazy, yet she spent every spare moment with Damon. Now she was home, alone. She had been for the past three days.

And she missed him.

After washing her face and eating a dinner consisting of cup-o-noodles, Raelyn fell onto the couch, waiting for Damon to call like he did every night when they were apart.

Except he didn't.

She texted him.

Hey, how was your day?

No response. "Whatever." She mumbled and fell asleep on the couch. Twenty-some minutes later, she heard a knock.

Raelyn moseyed on over to the door after double checking that she looked presentable. Opening it, she looked up and her jaw dropped. "Damon?"

He grinned at her. "The one and only." He held his arms out, "Miss me?"

Raelyn stepped into his arms. "More than ever."

"Good. Because I didn't skip a meeting and travel all this way for nothing."

Raelyn jerked away, "You skipped a meeting for me?!"

He kissed her. "Of course I did. I love you."

In a million years Raelyn never wanted to hear anything else. She looked up into the eyes of the man she had come to love. "You love me?"

"I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat, I'll keep choosing you. I love you Rae."


Damon waited for her response. Searching those amber depths, he prayed. God, I came out straight with her. I've loved her for the longest time. Please let her be the one.

"I love you. You will forever be my always. I love you."

Damon's heart exploded with his love for the woman. He kissed her intensely. Raelyn wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

He pulled back and reached his hand into his back pocket. "So I guess, you might like this." He held up a shiny diamond ring.

Raelyn's eyes widened. Then her jaw dropped to the floor. Then her eyes filled with tears. "That's an engagement ring, right?"

"You bet."

She bit her lip, "Then I suppose I might like it."

He laughed and slid it on her finger. "I love you."

"Forever and always."

Damon took the hand that her ring was on. "You like it?"

"Of course." Her eyes stared at the ring longingly. "It's beautiful."

"I'm glad."

"I was thinking about an outdoor wedding and a honeymoon with a cruise to the Bahamas."

Damon laughed as he wiped the happy tears pouring down her cheeks. "And who's paying?"

"You're the one who got the promotion."

He smirked. Then a thought struck him. "Where would we live? I have a job in Colorado Springs and you have one here in Florence. I don't want you to quit."

"We can live in Colorado Springs. I can do the commute if I need to or work from home. Usually I'm the one who does the distance jobs anyways. And besides, Florence is a quiet town, nothing happens there."

"You sure?"

"Absolutely." Her face told him she really was.

Damon watched her. "You're beautiful, you know that right? Inside and out."

She teared up again. "Thank you." Then she fanned herself. "This is insane."

He wrapped her in his arms yet again. "What?"

"We're getting married."

Damon kissed his fiancé. His fiancé. Soon to be wife. The woman he loved so much.

Raelyn broke off the kiss and buried her head in his shoulder. "You love me, baggage and all?"

"Baggage and all." He confirmed.

"This is the best happy ending." She smiled.

"No Rae, true love stories don't have endings. This is just the beginning."

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