Chapter 1 Five years ago

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Agent Twilight and I were called on a mission urgently so we had to leave our little coffee break quickly. It was night, the stars shining ever so brightly with the blazing sun replaced with the cold moon. We were given the location on where we had to leave and it was a warehouse far from this town. Thank god because I do not want anyone injured or that could be really bad.

A bit of backstory. Agent Twilight and I have been partners since I was 19. I know I was pretty young when I started but now I'm 22 and Twilight is 25. We have been a great duo and have been the best agents. He is the master of disguise, man of a hundred faces, and he survived the dangerous operations we've been on because of his skills.Of course he is the best one and I'm next to him. Everything we do is completely in sync like we read each other's mind. I still never got to know his real name. He didn't even find out mine either. So my code name is Agent Crimson. They chose that name for me because everytime I'm done with a mission people will always call it a bloodbath. Considering how I don't clean up the mess and because of my killing techniques. I've got more but maybe when we are on the mission I'll show off.

"Crimson, have you got your gear ready?" Twilight asks in his deep husky voice

I nod as I take out my gun getting it ready and the rest of my things are in my jacket. I'm surprised they gave me equipment because I always had a feeling that no one liked me at WISE. They always give me weird looks as I walk with Agent Twilight. But I always let it go. I'm not here to please people. I'm here to keep the world safe. Not to make grown men and women get on their knees and worship me.

"I see the warehouse. How many people did they say there will be?" I ask as I adjust the black hat I wear. It's those firm fedoras but not tiny. It actually is elegant.

"They just said more than 50. They are there to set off a bomb that could possibly reach the town. We either kill them all or take out enough to grab the bomb and leave." Twilight says as he grabs his silencer shooting some of them that stand outside guarding it. They go down and it seems they still haven't noticed we're here.

"Well let's take them all out just in case they have another bomb ready." I say as I exit the car running to the warehouse with Twilight following.

His stoic expression changed to concentration. It always makes me smile because he looks cute when he is focused.

Without warning Twilight started shooting with me following his lead. As I shoot whoever is in front of me I notice how this place is packed making this a lot more difficult. Every kick and punch I do on them makes me tired but I always push through it. This mission was difficult.

I look over at Twilight and he has the bomb signaling me to follow him out. I shoot one more of them as I nod running to him but as I do I feel a sharp pain in my side. Stopping for a second I limp quickly to a wall that will cover me for a bit. Leaning my back against the cold brick I breathe heavily as I remove my hand from my wound it is showered in blood. I squint my eyes shut and I open them to see Twilight in front of me. He looks into my eyes then to my wound as I press it hard to try and stop the bleeding. The pain was starting to hit, making me whimper.

"I'll finish them off fast and I'll call for backup!" He grits his teeth as he starts walking away but I grab him so he won't leave

"T-Twilight just left the warehouse. I'll be right behind you. They w-will think we got away." I croak. I lied. They won't think that they know they hit me, they know I'm hurting. If he stays we will both die and I can't see him in pain. It will hurt me even more.

Twilight thinks for a moment but he starts getting up to fight them off but I use whatever strength I had left to keep him here.

"P-Please go. I will put extra weight on you but tomorrow we will be laughing about this." I smile softly as I cup his cheeks. I never did this before but over the years I have grown love him. I kept these feelings quiet and pushed them aside. It would have only complicated things. I now will die with regret.

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