Ch. 2 War is Coming

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Chapter 2 War is Coming

A year trudged by before Mahala came to see me again. It was bittersweet. Normally she'd counsel my Mother, the Queen Luna. But that title has since passed on to me.

At 16, I was the youngest crowned Luna, but with the accident, there was little choice. Barely a week after my 16th birthday my Parents were killed in an ambush as they were traveling to a diplomatic conference. My world was instantly off tilt. I remember I was still riding the high of welcoming my wolf when I got the news. Artimus comforted me the best she could, but we both knew a large piece of my heart died right along with them. I was crowned less than 12 hours after their confirmed demise.

I don't really remember the ceremony. I was cold. Numb. I hadn't even processed it all. But the palace was quickly a buzz of movement and soon I stood before the pack and the passing of titles was complete. The little I do remember was how I felt. How empty I was. As if I were attending my parent's funeral versus my indictment to the royal ranks.

The pack's emotions flooded the air. There was pride for their new Luna Queen, but there was also great loss. They mourned the loss of their Alpha King and Luna Queen as deeply as I did. The moment I understood that caused something in me to snap. These people, my pack had been nothing short of loyal and grateful to my parents. Without doubt. Sometimes when faith was all they had.

I made a vow before Artimus and Lady Selene that night to not only avenge my Parent's death, but to protect and stand for my pack as ferociously as they had. My pack was my family. With all the grace I could muster that night I bowed before them and took the crown. It didn't matter how I would do all the things I wanted to do. I would do them. I would lay my life down for the Nightingale Pack. This was certain.

Artimus has since become my biggest advisor. Lady Selene's words echoed in my head. "You are my greatest gift in this world of darkness. You Amina, will be the greatest light. Shine upon the lost and wary. Trust your heart. And trust in Artimus." And I've held her holy scripture high and honored her words.

My thoughts circled my sleep deprived mind when the announcement came that I had a guest. I was sitting in the throne room, Artimus and I strategizing on how to up our defense when none other than Mahala herself was led in. Her eyes shine with unshed tears as she guaaged my reaction to her presence.

For a moment, I was a child again. Excitement hit me faster than a viper's strike and I was soon throwing myself into her arms. We clung to each other as if worlds were trying to rip us apart and I reminisced on happy times we shared.

"Mahala!" I exhaled happily as I finally separated myself from her. "What a delightful surprise!" I chirped. She ran her hand down my cheek as she smiled brightly. "All grown up, but way too soon. I'm sorry Amina. You have stood through so much." Her words instantly awoke the ghosts in my mind. I was reliving all the horrors of my first year as Queen Luna. And it was absolute hell. I didn't have time to mourn. Shady Alphas from all over ascended upon the pack at the announcement of my parent's passing. Challengers came knocking. I had to fight tooth and nail for my position.

Thankfully Artimus is strong. The moon goddess knew what I was going to need and she blessed me ten fold. Artimus provided for anything I lacked. She truly completed me. Nobody would ever understand how she has saved the Nightingale Pack. She has made me stronger, and in turn the pack has thrived. I blinked a few times to bring me out of my thoughts. "I had too." My smile faltered slightly. "Indeed. But as Queen Luna, you are inspiring. You've already stood tall and rebuked those who thought you unworthy." Mahala said gently.

We soon found ourselves on the veranda of my rooms. The evening blanket of darkness was chasing the last of the colors from the sunset. The forest below us hummed. All creatures of the night began their slow crescendos and serenades. I felt myself relax as it rose and caught my ears.

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