Ch. 4 Savage

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That word rolls around in my mind as I make my trek to the holy place. I'm clad in my robe of raven feathers, naked as the day I was born beneath it save for a thin pair of black panties. That's all that hides what was left of my dignity. I hear the subtle whisper of the feathers as they slide against each other as I move. The robe ties around my neck, hugs my shoulders, but leaves my breasts free to the night.

I have the ceremonial paints adorning my face, chest and arms. Ancient symbols that are said to imbue me with strength for what must be done. But I carry no fear in me. Only love and graciousness for Mother Selene. I fear not what is to come.

'Cruel.' 'Heartless.'

How I hated the Pack Conferences. I hated the gathering of the packs and the snide remarks that resonated in their presence. Rumors flew on any given day, sure, but when the packs gathered, they filled the night. Once a year, the pink moon rose. We have come to use it as a time to gather and discuss alliances and settle disputes. Usually I could schedule it right before or after, but this year it fell right in sync. As the last descendant of the Gypsy Gail lineage, I knew what it really meant though. It was a celebration.

Tonight marked the Moon Mother's birth. On a night much like tonight, The Moon Goddess Selene birthed the first two Lycans. She painted the sky pink in celebration of what she brought into the world.

The others have forgotten that on this night, the tradition was to offer Selene a sacrifice. We were to offer the Mother the blood of a virgin to honor her virtue. A small token of thanks for what she gave up to bring us life.

In the old days, they would select the purest and she would spend the day being pampered. She would be bathed in rose scented waters, her hair and skin imbued with oils and scents so that they shined as brightly as the moon and her muscles would be kneaded and relaxed with massage. She would be readied with kindness, joy and respect.

She would then be dressed as I am now in a long flowing robe of raven feathers. She too would have her breasts on display as a patronage to the Moon Mother suckling our first kin. Only a pair of undies, shorts or similar to hide her womanhood.

She, like me, would then walk to the holy place. There, she would find the custorial dagger and of her own accord and she would cut her wrists and make our humble offering to Mother Selene.

I can't help but wonder how many before me took this silent walk. I could feel their spirits at my side in solemn support of my venture. Through the years, the stories had become twisted. Many believed that the 'sacrifices' were forced or that they died while offering homage. They called it barbaric, a savage tradition. It simply wasn't true. As Lycans, our healing ability is insane. Many would have to cut themselves several times to make a proper offering as the wounds bound back together so quickly.

It was an honor to be selected to offer your blood to Selene. And in return, the Moon Mother would bless her children in abundance. She guided us, counseled us when our hearts and minds were heavy. Coddled us when the world was too dark. She was a dedicated Mother and we have since turned our backs on her.

'One day Amina, you will rise to the throne and rule Nightingale as Luna. You will unite the packs my love. You are the key to their very salvation.' My own mother's words whisper sweetly in my head.

My mother and father never hid anything from me. From a very young age the weight of my future and heritage was placed on my shoulders. But to their credit, they helped me realize it wasn't a burden but a blessing.

The Nightingale Pack was considered Lycan royalty. We were the biggest pack and others sought our counsel in times of disagreement. Our members were kind, but fierce when needed and any who dared to oppose us fell swiftly. We fought for each other and that was powerful motivation in a pack like mine. I carried on my parent's way of running things as it honestly needed no changing. I did make a few tweaks, but nothing major. We operated on mutual trust and genuine love. But cross me or one of my pack and I took blood.

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