Ch.9 Oh Captain, My Captain!

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It had been a little over 24 hours since my rogue guest's accomodations had been upgraded. Kade reported he was a lot more humble than before. I made the trek back to the dungeons as my head still spun at the realization I may not be alone. There was a possibility that more wolves out there were like me.

"Absolutely. I mean, we are gifted, but not alone." Artimus finally weighed in.

"Wait, you knew there are others?"

"Yes. I was aware. But we have not encountered them. They are few. Figured we'd cross that bridge when we got there."

I was slightly irritated at her withholdings.

"Well, it's not like you ever asked..." She mumbled in my head.

She had a point. But either way, that was a discussion for later. I was now descending the last steps into the dungeon and had to have my wits about me. Kade was waiting patiently at the mouth of another corridor. This section was rarely used. Torture just wasn't my thing. Well, taking prisoners for the most part wasn't either. I preferred to make statements and examples. Hence the piked heads lining certain areas of our borders.

But something new was happening and I needed answers. People sadly had to have a heart beat to give those. I moved past Kade and he immediately fell into step with me.

"And how is our guest this evening?" I asked sweetly.

"In a much better mood, I assure you." Kade chuckled.

"Good. This has drawn out long enough."

We soon came upon a much different scene from the night before. These cells were solid stone with silver bars. At the back of the cell, our guest sat bound. Chains of silver burned around his neck, wrists and ankles. To say he was uncomfortable was putting it mildly. Trays of food and cups of water sat untouched on an intact table. Seems he couldn't muster the energy to strew it all about. Shame really.

He looked so much smaller. Obviously the injections had taken their tolls. His eyes flipped up and locked onto me. This was the only sign he was still awake and present.

"Well, hello again. I'm assuming your new accomodations are more to your liking?" I greeted him.

He only grunted in reply.

I studied him a moment longer. Torture truly wasn't my strength and his current condition did my conscience no favors. At least with death is was done and over with. I didn't have to watch them break down and crumble. I sighed. This just wouldn't do.

"Kade, have him brought into the interrogation room. No need for chains. But have a couple syringes of wolfbanes ready, just in case." I said as I turned and proceeded towards the interrogation room.

I walked in and waited. Shortly after, Kade led the rogue in and seated him across the table from me. He flinched slightly as he took his seat. He was so weak sitting up was a heavy task. Damn it.

"Bring some fresh food and water. Sans the wolfbane. I need him to have enough energy to at least answer my questions." I shot Kade via mindlink.

His subtle nod confirmed he heard me. His eyes glazed for a second before he said "Done".

We waited a short while before a meager knock on the door sounded in the room. In walked Carrie carrying a tray with a stacked ham sandwich, a bag of chips and a bottle of water. She brought it over and placed it in front of me before she curtly nodded and left.

"Are you really going to sit here and eat that in front of me?" The rogues raspy, parched voice met my ears.

"Well, that depends on you." I replied. "If you agree to play nice, answer a few questions, I'll happily share."

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