Ch. 3 Rumors and Speculation

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Ch. 3 Rumors and Speculation

I have stepped into my role of Queen Luna as easily as one takes a simple breath. I guarded my pack fiercely and found new aspects of myself I never knew possible. I have discovered abilities I never knew I had. Artimus has truly brought me to life. I rule with an iron fist and my enemies tremble in my wake. As they should.

I have kept my circle small but my eyes, ears and heart open to my pack. Every beat of their hearts feeds my soul and I covet them dearly. This has led to a thriving pack and a reputation that precedes me. I've implemented a new societal hierarchy. I now have better routines for counsels, well for outsiders at least. My pack comes first, and they have access to me 24/7, but all others must wait their turns.

Rumors swirl about the Queen Luna. And I welcome them to conspire however they please. Artimus and I have no fear of their petty words whispered in dank, dusty eddies uttered by cowards who smile in my face. I stare down at a map of the Lycan territories. My eyes scan the lines and my thoughts are calculations on how to counter any who would dare infringe upon me. I memorize all aspects. Strengths and weaknesses of each border, how it would play to my advantage or disadvantage if a battle did come to be.

"Excuse me Queen Luna, but your meal is prepared." A soft voice pulls me from my head. I turn and smile softly at Carrie, an omega who helps in the kitchens. She's a darling girl, barely 16 with a heart of gold. " Thank you Carrie, I'll be right there." She returns my smile before she turns and exits the room.

I inhale and exhale to clear my mind before I rise and make my way to my small dining area. Normally I'd be in the dining hall sitting amongst my pack, but lately I've been obsessed with memorizing maps and boundaries as the pack conferences were fast approaching. Carrie, darling that she is, has gone above and beyond to ensure I eat. She brings me snacks and meals without ever being asked. She never pushes or demands, simply shows up and I love her dearly for it because without her kindness, Id've gone hungry more often than not.

"Awe, there she is, playing war games without me again?" Kade pouts as I enter the dining area. He's munching on one of my dinner rolls taking up residence on the chair across from my setting.

"Nothing wrong with brushing up on things." I quip as I take my seat.

"Not at all, but you don't have to do it all by yourself." He shoots back.

"True, but with the conferences coming up, I want to be as accurate and knowledgeable as possible so I make the best decisions."

He nodded as he stuffed the last of the roll in his mouth. I chuckled at his piggish ways. Kade was a mess, but I'd be lost without him. I took an untraditional route when I chose a Beta, but it was a necessary move. A Lot of Alphas see me as a simple female who just lucked into my position by birth. They hold no faith in me as I have no Alpha King warming my bed and okaying all my decisions. I couldn't possibly rule without some sort of male influence!

Kade and I have known each other our entire lives. He's always been kind and giving with pack mates and his loyalty is unquestionable. He's great with tactics but also just happens to be one of the strongest warriors as well. It also helps me feel comfortable speaking on important matters with him. I've also come to respect his opinions as has Artimus.

The other Alphas, not so much. Idiots. Everyone of them. I had my reasons for not seeking my mate. My virtue for one. As humble as I am to the Moon Mother, sometimes I wished I didn't have to shed blood on their behalf as well because honestly, not all of them deserved that honor.

"So, ready for the fun? The first few Alphas are scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning." Kade broke my thoughts.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I huffed before taking a bite of my steak.
"And oh joy, Alphas. Just what I need. A bunch of assholes that keep mixing up the signals between both their heads..." I grumbled.

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