Ch.6 BBQ

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It took nothing short of the threat of ex-communicating me for Kade to make me rise and face the day. I wanted nothing to do with the annual BBQ that marked the end of this year's conferences. I didn't want to subject myself to what was to come. Alpha after Alpha throwing their sons at me. Suggesting I take a chosen. Or worse, throwing themselves at me.

Their desperation and thirst for power was the biggest turn off. My virtue aside, it made me want to vomit at the lengths they'd go to just to catch my eye. But I smiled and played nice with the knowledge that by this time tomorrow, I'd be Queen of an Alpha free pack house once more and I could absolutely live with that.

I was so caught up defending myself from the sausage buffet, I didn't sense the change at first. But soon, Artimus was at full attention. Every muscle in her metaphysical body was tense and she was ready to spring forward.

"Something isn't right." Her voice came gruff and raw across my mind.

I never got the opportunity to ask her a thing. Soon, five very large, very rabid rogues cleared the tree line to my left. I didn't even have to saw a word. Kade and the warriors on duty were already engaging. I didn't even bat an eye. Five rogues was nothing to my warriors. The action drew everyone's attention, leaving most with their backs exposed. Idiots.

Sure enough, before I even finished my thoughts, more rogues flooded in from the opposite side. They moved stealthily, taking full advantage of the spectacle of their comrades being put down. They were advancing quickly.

I was left in a bit of a bind. On the one hand, if I let the rogues take out a few Alpha's, that'd be less that I'd have to deal with in the future...

"AMINA!" Artimus growled in my head.

"Fuckin-A! FINE." I hissed back as I rose and moved to position myself between my guests their imminent doom.

I whistled at the rogue closet to me, earning me a toothy show of his fangs. "Here boy! Come on! Here boy!" I taunted.

He of course couldn't stand to be so blatantly disrespected and as I expected let out growl that informed all the idiots behind me we had company. I didn't have to turn around to know they were all shifting and preparing to fight. The serenade of clothes ripping, bones popping, and the chorus of snarls told me all I needed to know.

Artimus surged forward in me. But I didn't shift. Instead, we kind of blended. I could feel her coursing through my veins. This made me smile even more because I was finally going to show all thos dickhead Alphas EXACTLY what their Queen Luna was capable of.

I watched as the rogues flanked out and took an offensive stance. Well, that's new. Rogues actually strategizing versus blindly charging in riding high on their blood lust.


I could see my warriors now silently surrounding the newcomers out of the corner of my eye. Kade smiled wickedly as he gave the signal to hold back. Seems he knew what I was thinking. I took a few steps forward, still smiling broadly as I addressed the enemy forces before me.

This time, my voice was deeper, deadlier. A perfect blend of Artimus and myself.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Because I don't think you do. Leave now, and I'll spare you. Take one more step this way, and I'll incinerate every fucking one of you."

The tension rode the air hard. I could feel the subtle shifting of the Alphas at my back with the anticipation of what was to come. They were sticks of dynamite begging to be let loose. It was just a matter of time.

The rogue closest to me snickered. Dumb move. Now he went and pissed off Artimus. She didn't take disrespect of any kind lightly.

"You? Weak little bitch you are? What are you gonna do!?" He sneered.

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