Ch.5 Fairness & Equality

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I woke after my homage feeling heavy. It was always like this the morning after. My head spun and my body ached. But I had no time to take to rest further. I could already hear the Omegas preparing my bath and the smell of breakfast made my stomach growl.

'Eat. It will help.' Artimus whispered.

"Hasn't before." I mumbled grumpily.

'Well, you didn't have me before.' she quipped back.

This was true. As we're Artimus's words that it would help. I felt strength slowly seeping back into me. My bath also helped. Soaking in the warm water left me rejuvenated. I felt ready for the clusterfuck this day was sure to be. I mentally prepared for the spectacles to come. This aspect of my role I absolutely hated. But I always put my best foot forward and passed judgement as honestly and unbiased as possible.

Sooner than I preferred, I was walking through the double doors into the conference room. The room instantly fell into silence. I paused before my ornate chair behind a desk at the center of the front of the room. I let my eyes scan the faces before me.

'Ungrateful little sacks of flesh. We should just rip their throats out now and save us the trouble in the future.' Artimus hissed in the back of my head.

This set the tone exactly. I kept my face stoic as I set down and prepared for the chaos. I wanted to say not my monkeys, not my circus, but in the grandier scheme of things, it was. Artimus muled around in my head, taking her own read of the Alphas before me. She was as unimpressed as I was.

"Good Morning Queen Luna. So good to see you again." A smooth voice wafted from left of the room.

I looked and soon found it's source. Alpha Rayne smiled warmly in greeting. My mental file on him flashed behind my eyes in an instant. He headed the Equinox Pack to the east. They were peaceful, kept their noses clean and stayed out of my hair. I saw no harm in returning his attention.

"And you Alpha Rayne. Ready to kick this off?" I returned his smile.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He shrugged and chuckled.

"Alrighty." I said as I reached over to the corner of my desk and pulled a stack of files sitting there closer to me. I opened the cover of the first one and perused the details. Seems Alpha Jones is demanding Alpha Connor's son take his daughter as a chosen mate in retribution for the death of his daughter's fated. Fun fun.

"Alpha Jones, state your case points please." I said as I looked up.

A tall man in his early to mid 40's approached. He was built like your typical Alpha, so basically like a Greek God. But his size nor his Alpha aura phased me. I met his eyes head on, something that would be perceived as a threat by any other. I saw the anger flash there momentarily. But he wisely pushed it down and did as I asked.

"Yes Queen Luna. I ask that Alpha Connor's son take my daughter as his chosen mate seeing as he killed her destined." His gruff voice implored.

"That's not going to happen!" Another large foreboding figure came and stood at his side. I glanced over and gave him a once over.

"Alpha Connor. Welcome. And what makes you think this is unreasonable?" I asked.

"It would rob my son of his destined. It's not right. He deserves his mate chosen by the Moon goddess. Not someone forced upon him. There's a natural order to things and this isn't it." He gruffed.

Snickers and whispers spread at his words. The balls on these Alphas to mock the Moon Goddess's design in my presence! I pushed my own anger aside. I would handle that later.

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