Ch.7 Who Is 'He'?

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And I absolutely wasn't thrilled to have to do any more 'peopling' today. I approached the doors where two warriors were on guard.

"Queen Luna." They greet simultaneously as one reached back and pulled the door open for me. I offered a curt nod in thanks as I descended into the depth of our dungeon. As I stepped off the last step, Kade was at my side.

"You've got your work cut out for you. He's just as disgruntled as you are." He teased.

"We'll see. I'm rather pissy he interrupted my bath, book and bed plan." I huffed.

We walked on before we hung a left and came to the entrance of a corridor that was lined with cells on either side. There were solid walls between them but bars and metal gates on the front. I walked down until the stench of rogue was strong. It was a mixture of ode de skunk, rotten eggs and decaying meat. It made my eyes water slightly as it had had a few hours to build up and taint the air.

I stopped in front of the cell holding our guest and sure enough, he was trying to rip my cell apart. The single bed was ripped open, springs and filling were strewn across the cell. The sink that once was attached to the wall had been ripped from it. It's pipe was twisted and jagged from where he grabbed it and pulled it through the drywall. The floor was covered in water. Kade must've turned the water off to stop the flooding. The toilet and the the screen that offered some privacy were in pieces scattered in the mix. I watched silently as the rogue clawed desperately at the little remaining drywall. Too bad I had bars built into the walls for just such a guest. All that effort for nothing.

"Hey, knock that shit off." I hissed.

The rogue spun and leveled me with his feral eyes. He flew forward and slammed into the bars at the front.

"Let me out of here you fucking bitch!" He howled, spittle flying at his fury.

"Is that anyway to address the Queen Luna?" Kade spoke calmly.

"Oh fuck you. And her too!" He retorted.

Artimus was fuming. I could feel her trembling as her own fury was sparked.

"Not gonna happen. But if you'd like to join your friends I could absolutely make that happen." My voice came blended with Artimus's.

His eyes went wide and he took a step back. "So it's true, you ARE a fucking abomination..." He almost whispered.

"Excuse me?" I had to hold Artimus at bay, she wanted to shred this bastard, answers be damned.

He studied me intently for a moment before he turned and began pacing. His hands ripped through his hair and his disposition was one of great unease.

"You need to let me go. The world needs to be warned of what you are..." He said aloud but not in my direction.

"What I am? And what do you think that is exactly?"

He locked eyes with me. "An abomination. Blood running thick with that gypsy contamination. You don't deserve to rule. You don't deserve to exist! It's unnatural!"

I was more confused than anything. How did he know of my ancestry? And why did that label me a monster?

"Why did you attack us today?" I demanded.

"Technically, I never attacked you. You attacked me!" He screamed. "Then locked me up in this dank hole so you can what? Torture me?"

"You were trespassing at the very least. I'm well within my right to confine you."


"I need no further permission." I snarked back.

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