1 : Before it all happened

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It was over, finally over. The fight between Chromatics and Biomes Steves among the Demon Steves was finally set, and the Demons were now locked away in the World Below by the First Rainbow Hero. Truly it was a fight, a war never to be forgotten as the people who fought there risked their lives to win.

Sadly some had risked their lives literally, a close and beloved ones of their kind. Truly their name shall be remembered in history of their kind and in the books. Though people have mourned for their lost ones, it was also a reminder that they fought well in the war. Just like the brave Yellow Steve "Leeroy" to the Yellow Kingdom, his name shall be remembered and his role to the Kingdom.

The world is now in hands with eternal peace and its all thanks to the help of everyone, especially for the two heroes who managed to help, Colle the Red Steve Elite and Seer the Rainbow Hero. Both still in shook from their encounter with their last enemy, but was able to fight through their phase and helped the whole world from the danger of the Demon Steves.

Though there was something else that was needed to be confirmed, and it involves with the Red Collector himself. While the argument between Colle and Seer happened, the Blue Steve was hesitant on telling the truth to Colle on what he saw in his dread. Although half of it was true, but it didn't include him, and it wasn't him. One day Seer would tell Colle, but every second of that promise came to his mind, he hesitates and becomes scared.

" I'll tell him soon. " He said to himself, but he was too late.

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-ˋˏ≪ Three months before the incident ≫ ˎˊ-

" All done, you're now patched up my friend. "

Colle brought his arm on his view, covered with white cloth and a sigil of healing from the Green Steves. He placed his hand over his left cheek, a patch was there too from his scar when he fell of the Last Inferno. He looked over to the Green Steve and thanked him. " Thank you Green Steve. "

" Oh please, call me Rafael. " The Green Steve introduced himself as he placed one of the spare band aids in his kit, he turned over to Colle with a smile on his face. " And you're welcome, if ever you or your friend is in need for healing a wound or scar you're welcome in the Green Kingdom. " Colle smiled from those words as he gave a silent nod and smile to Rafael, who was silently packing up the supplies on the side, and bid a goodbye to Colle as he left the room.

Colle laid his back on the wooden rail of the couch he was sitting on and looked around, he was in the cottage that he lived in the Obsidian Citadel with Seer for a while after the whole Dread situation. The fire in the fireplace was lit up, fire cackling was the only thing that can be heard in the living room, Colle only let a breath out as he relaxed on the chair he was leaning and sitting on and embraced the calm surrounding.

A soft whistle and a knock on the wall was the only thing that caught Colle's attention to look around, he only saw Seer himself and was all bandaged up from another Green Healer. " You seem tired, you wanna head to your room and rest for a while? " Seer made his way over to Colle and sat right next to Colle with a warm hearted smile on his face. " I can go out and checked on the Obsidian guards and the others if they're doing well, even check up on your friend Beef too. "

" That's nice of you Seer, but I actually wanna go check on them too, especially Beef and the Obsidian Captain. I just need a few minutes to relax then I'd be ready. "

" Then I'll sit here with you then, having wings attached on my back during the fight did tire me out, not just that but how high up I flew during the fight. " Seer could feel like his spine felt shivers as he remembered how high up he flew during the war, he crossed his arms as he shook his head for that memory to go away. " I may have faced my fear on heights but that's gonna be something to remember for a while. "

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