6 : Concern of the Found Family

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Hope you guys just don't mind, me adding headcanons to this story. I just feel like it would make this story more interesting lil bit-
Oh and, Beware of the use of Zalgo Text.



Rainbow Steve entered the giant cave just as he called out, he brought out his blue lantern as his light source in hand. He walked in the caves for a bit and called out again. " GORM? "

" Seer? " The ground shook, heavy steps coming closer to the entrance. Seer looked up and saw his Giant friend from afar, and just as they looked down to Seer's level, he smiled. " Seer! I'm surprised you came by! " Gorm walked over to Seer and kneeled to him, just close enough for them to just hear each other.

" It has been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry if I couldn't visit- "

" No no, you have no reason to be sorry for not visiting us Seer. I'm just so happy that you're doing well after- well, everything in general. " Gorm waved his hand off but turned his attention back to the young Steve below him, he reached the palm in front of Rainbow Steve, as the Steve was signaled and obliged to hop on.

Gorm smiled, he always had a soft side for Seer ever since they'd met in the past. The first time they met was a little chaotic at some point, almost leading Seer to be almost stomped, and even with that Seer still forgave the Giants for that. It was the starting point that Seer became another brother figure to the Giants, only the youngest at least.

" RINDR! " Gorm called out for his older brother, he walked as he turned to the corner of the cave, and see Rindr on his bed still.

The Giant only let out a loud sigh, putting down his headband on his head again as he started tying his hair up. " Gorm, if you wanted to go to the Winter Village then go, I'll catch up for a bit okay? " Rindr said lowly, ducking his head down for a bit as he tried to tie his hair up. Seer only stared in confusion, and Gorm lightly pouted from the response.

" Is he- "

Gorm sighed and looked back at Seer on his palm. " Ever since Brimir is.... gone uh- Rindr just became a little low on himself. You know how he is when it comes to losing something valuable. "

Right. Brimir sacrificed himself to give the Steves time to recruit and to keep the Demon Steves outside of the citadel, it only lasted for a while but his sacrifice was still unforgettable from that time. Seer wished he haven't done that, the Giants also felt guilt for not protecting their middle brother or even joining the war.

" I-it's nothing to worry about Seer, we've lost some others in the past and we've basically grown out of it. I hope Rindr can take a little breather from this, he and Brimir seemed close. "

Seer turned back to the Giant in the distance, a frown forming on his face. The Giants were the only ones left alive ever since the first war, all of them were close despite having differences in personalities and such, Seer could only feel pity towards Rindr, considering he is the oldest out of the 3 Giants.

The Steve stood up from Gorm's palm, his wings stretched outwards as he jumped and flew towards the other Giant.

" Hey big guy. "

Rindr snapped out of his thoughts as he heard that voice, he felt a small pressure on his shoulder and he turned around to see Rainbow Steve now sitting down. " Seer? How long have you been here? " Rindr lifted his hand for Seer to hop on, the Steve just slowly jumped over to the palm and sat down as he looked back to the Giant. " I came by to visit you guys for the moment, I was going to ask you something but you seemed down. "

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