8 : The Night filled with Cries

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Heyyy, Been a while now has it? :')
So Imma just leave this new chapter for you guys and- yeah
(sorry for the long wait along with the cliffhanger I really did thought I could update this chapter before my motivation would be gone-)


Lightning boomed in the cave, it echoed loudly as the bats screeched ad flew out of the cave. Then the two Red Steves appeared, rolling over just as the lightning died and landed on the spot. Goggles was able to reach Colle but instead of grabbing him to stop, the sudden teleportation made Goggles push his friend which is why they were both tumbling against the cobbled ground.

Both lay on the ground for quite some time, before the mechanic sat up. His head ached just as he tried to move, quickly bringing up his hand on the side of his head, he felt something. Whatever he touched on his head was not dry, and when Goggles pulled his hand to see what it was, he saw a red liquid, his blood.


He probably hit the ground so hard that his head started bleeding because of the rough surface. It didn't hurt much, he'll probably have to take care of it sometime soon. He looked around for a bit while trying to sit up from his place, seeing as he was in a cave, big at least like the height of his own house. Tall and sharp dripstones were above, though steady as it is it wouldn't fall right after. Still, Goggles was aware of it.

A groan interrupted the mechanic as he looked right in front of him. The Red Steve who he chased for a while, moved slightly and now was trying to get up.

" Colle. "

The Steve flinched and stopped his movements just as he heard his name being called from behind, recognizing who the voice belonged to. Colle didn't budge though, not even turning around to face Goggles at the moment. He tried to stand up and run away, but he felt like he was being pulled down, like he was chained on the ground, gravity now leveling on him as Goggles stood and talked.

" What were you thinking?! " Goggles raised his voice, he didn't approach Colle for a moment as his frustration took over his head. " We just found you after Beef contacted you, yet you ran away from us? " Colle only shifted in silence, Goggles stood there for a moment to embrace the silent response, yet his frustration remained as well. " Don't you know how worried everyone was after you disappeared? How scared and distant Beef was to try and find you? How stressed out are the leaders and Seer for you? And me, " Goggles stayed still in silence as he mentioned himself, Colle could feel a pinch of regret yet he was doing what he had to do. The mechanic took in a sharp breath before speaking again.

" Colle I was worried sick, everyone was. I thought you were actually taken away and tortured, with no one able to save you in time. Colle I- " Goggles turned his head around and took in a sharp breath again, his eyes closed shut the same as he clenched his hands from below. He looked back to face Colle in front of him once again. " ...You were gone for two weeks, I got scared something really bad happened to you. Just please, come back. " Colle shook his head, still remained silent, his eyes only widened and fear took in his head. Goggles could feel his heart pinched in pain.


Goggles' screams echoed in the cave, loud enough for everyone outside to hear, Colle could only flinch from that but tried to avoid looking back at his friend. His hands unknowingly reached over to his own arms, feeling his fingernails slowly dig into his own skin. He could feel it, the energy crawling from his chest to his arms, he could feel it around his neck. his eyes try to focus on what's in front of him, he doesn't want to panic, not wanting his friend to witness what's happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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