4 : Disappearance

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Colle eventually calmed himself down, though the void-like infection that was growing on his arms was still there. It didn't disappear like he wished and hoped so, he felt like he was going insane after many migraines and stomach aches coming to him, he felt like he was being stabbed by a bunch of needles when that happened. 

He was still laying on the wooden floor, everything was so dark because he blocked the windows with the blinds, but the sunlight was still out so it can only make a faint shade of red in his home. He felt sick, his throat was soaring, and all he can do is just lay on the wooden floor until he feels like he should get up.

He already forgot that he was supposed to go out today for something.

He squinted his eyes shut, and muttered a curse, his arms already felt like it was burning hot because of the infection. He's scared, he didn't think that it would end up like this. The visions he got were true, he was slowly turning himself into a monster. He thought he would give it time to find a way to stop it, he didn't want to worry anyone, even Seer.

God, what would Seer even think about his situation? 

The Hero already has his responsibilities, and Colle didn't want one of them being his physical state at the moment. No matter how many visits Seer came by for him, Colle never had the chance to tell him about this. He was scared of what Seer would think about it, he imagined he would be scared of him, heck even maybe kill him at the very last second.

Not even a word about it to the Elites, the same reason he had for Seer.

He felt his ahoge go on fire again, he muttered a curse again from that. Today was just not his day, maybe considering that this week was bad.

I mean, what's worst than suddenly just becoming aggressive and letting out an outburst in front of everyone?

.... He sure will have a dreading feeling of that crawling on his spine whenever he sees Desert Apprentice again.

After a few minutes of laying on the floor uncomfortably, he finally lifted himself off the floor and sat up. He was slouching, but he doesn't feel like he should his body that much at this moment. He looked over to the mirror on the other side of the room, and yikes he didn't like the look of his arms at that point, even the look on his face.

Sure it may be dark inside his home right now, but he can still see the dark eyebags underneath his eyes, his hair was an actual mess than his usual morning hair, and the infection on his arms was now up the same level as his elbows and there were red-imperial colored like markings following with the obsidian infection (it was eve like those lava markings that the Demon Steves had on their magma skin).

It can be admired if t wasn't an actual infection, but now that it was and is an infection, Colle is now terrified cause of that.

He didn't want to become a monster, he is scared, and he doesn't want to hurt anyone. He wanted everyone to be safe, like Seer said, they were now entering an era of peace. Now the era would be witnessing something new from Colle himself, the start of the corruption of Steve whose name would be in History at this point.

The Red Steve Elite, who helped defeat the Last Inferno by gaining the trust of other Biome Steves and asking the for assistance, who helped reconnect the trust of Dream's creations to each other, who walked and supported the Steves who were under the curse of Dread Steve by facing their dread and fight back and even his own, and the Red Steve Elite who gathered every Steve from their kingdom, Chromatics and Biomes, to help and fight back with the Obsidian Steves from the invasion of the Demon Steves.

He is pretty sure he is already known by everyone because of those things he did just for the right to protect them, and now he is terrified of the consequences if they found out he is becoming a monstrosity and possibly a threat to all of them.

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