5 : News about a special friend

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TW: Panic attacks.
Can't believe I'm doing this to Goggles- even tho he's gonna be thru so much in the future chapters.
[ Keep in mind, I have never written anything related to a panic attack, or at least just know how it goes. I'm going thru each article on the internet on how it would go, so- sorry if it's not accurate- ]


 Firey sparks were the only sound that echoed in the Inventor's basement, flashing lights coming to view as well. The Professor was behind a machine he was currently building, a welder mask covering his face and a blowtorch in hand, the place was a mess but it was still quite arranged with the desks around filled with containment units of screws, bolts, and metal craps. Still, the floor had some scattered bolts and little scraps of metal.

He's been working for quite some time after the Demon Steve War, planning on rebuilding a remodeled version of his Assistant Mech. He thought he could just try to rebuild the same robot again and maybe add new features, but he had some more ideas. Ideas started to pile up and up until the bucket needed to be replaced with a bigger one, soon Prof has to pick out some of those ideas to make the perfect Assistant Mech.

And apparently, it's going to take a long time to finally create the perfect model of his robot. The Assistant Mech he made was only built for protection, its model being buff and big to be a strong protector. He didn't really build the Mech like that on purpose, but he did, and coincidentally was perfect for the time when the Obsidian Steves needed help in a war.

The Professor only stopped his work just as he heard a loud bang from above his home and someone yelling his name.                               



Goggles stood up and pulled his welder mask above his head, turning off his blowtorch and turned behind the machine he was building, immediately spotting the new Elite and friend, Spark, along with his other friend Beef and soon followed by Sharp who seemed out of breath.

" What in the world made you guys run around would get my attention? " The Professor spoke up, putting away his mask and blowtorch to the nearby desk, and looked over to the trio. Sharp supported himself to stand on the railings of the stairs and was still catching his breath. " We had a meeting and- " Spark spoke up first but immediately got tackled by Beef, covering his mouth and his arms trapped on his sides as Beef trapped him with his free arm.

" Spark I am so close to starting a wrestling battle with you- "

" Beef cut that out! " Prof made his way to the duo and managed to pull Spark out of Beef's grasp on him. He stands between them, and Prof turned to Beef and stares at him with stern eyes. " What is even going on with you both? And my basement-slash-lab is not a place for wrestling! " The Inventor raised his voice as he used the two away from each other, he took a breath to calm down.

" He won't let me tell you the important news! "  Spark spoke out first

" What news? " The Professor asked, he turned to Spark about hearing that word and his gaze softened afterward. Spark didn't say a word for a bit and the Professor turned to Beef, who just looked away, avoiding eye contact, and was silent. " Gia ónoma tou Theoú, what is it that you want to tell me but not at the same time? " Professor looked at both of them quickly, Spark was still looking over to Beef, already planning to say it if Beef doesn't, and Beef's mouth is shut.

" That's it, I'm- I'm telling him. "

All eyes laid on the Archivist Elite, still on the stairs and now calmed down from the chase, he still looked a bit tired but right now wasn't the time to rest. Sharp looked up to the older Elite, then to Spark with a reassuring look, then back to Professor.

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