2 : Thoughts and a Vision

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Seer flew down and landed on the sandy ground below, he finally arrived at the Desert Kingdom. His wings stretched from behind before coming in close on Seer's back. For a Blue Steve that has small wings and that can appear and disappear when he likes to, having actual wings attached from is very new.

Other than that, he finally reached the Desert Kingdom. Three reasons why he's here, check up on the new Desert King, the Forest Steves, and Colle.

Its a part of his daily routine at this point, going through each kingdom to see everything and everyone is okay, no problems, conflicts or anything against every kingdom. He still visits back to his home, the World Beyond, to visit his friends and some of the Blue Steves there, and especially the new Blue Leader. The Middle World though, he was sure he would come by to visit soon, but he didn't wanna intrude to their world first.

Maybe he should visit Indigo Steve first and maybe have his permission, wherever that guy went to really. Both never saw each other after he gave- or at least, created- the Indigo crystal to for Seer to becomes the Rainbow Hero.

He walked to the Desert Kingdom, more structures of buildings were built and it felt like home already. Some Desert Steves were walking around to the market place or to the middle of the Kingdom, it felt so alive being there. Even some Chromatics were around the Kingdom, not many but a good amount. Probably for the Academy on the other side of the kingdom, but some were trading with the Deserts as well.

Seer eventually made his way to the pyramid, the middle of the Desert Kingdom, though it wasn't that many Steves around this part. Seer really think much of it though, he needs to visit the Leader of the Desert Kingdom. He walked inside of the sandstone structure, the place hadn't changed except for some new banners with the signature logo of their kingdom was hanged on the sides.

" Rainbow Steve! Good to see you my guy. "

" Good afternoon to you to- " Seer stopped his tracks, his expression changed in a mere second he saw the Desert Leader. It wasn't because he wore a different attire, no it was because what he was holding. " Uh- are you holding a beaker? "

" One of my finest bong, or beaker you say. "

Although this wasn't a surprise to anyone who knew about the Desert Steves, Seer had some more things to learn about them. And one of the things Seer learns now that Desert Leader, or some Desert Steves, smoke. Well, with a beaker or bong?

Seer only shook his head from that, right now wasn't the time for him to think of such questionable things, he was here for his task.

" I- uh nevermind that. But greetings Desert Leader, I've only come by for a visit like always. Just wanna know if everything is going well in the Kingdom. "

" Mmm, no conflicts happening from what I heard today Seer. The Desert Steves are chill with new visitors around here. "

" I can already tell, everyone seems to be enjoying the kingdom because of the new structures you built here. Heard the Orange King might make amends with you about it though. "

" Oh? Well that's certainly news I never heard. " The Desert Leader put his bong on the side desk next to his throne, adjusting his his own poncho and his sitting form. Seer looked back at the Leader, letting out a small "oh?" out from his lips. Barely can be heard by the Leader, considering how high up his throne was from below.

" Well surely if the Orange King does come by here in this Kingdom, or his apprentice, I'd gladly accept the of what agreement he has if it involves with the Desert Steves building some structures of their kinds. " The Desert Leader stood of from his throne and walked down from the stairs on the sides. Seer's eyes followed the King's movements.

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