3: Nervous, aren't we?

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The Judge only paced on his void for a bit, his hammer on hand, muttering small sounds in his voice. Something was off, and he knows it was not right. His only thoughts were spreading, his mind was full of confusion and he was getting anxious.

He never felt anxious before, this was the first time he felt that.

His body shivered, an unknown force of evil was still out there, he just doesn't know what it was or where it is. His mind questions it. He's supposed to know what evil forces are lying around the Realm, and his job is to balance evil and good and make sure it stays that way.

So what kind of force is he experiencing? He was sure it was evil, yet its a mixture of something or someone good wielding that force.

Whoever is holding that energy is in great danger, and the Judge will make sure that it will be terminated.

The brunette sighed, placing his hammer down for a while, and sat on the white void. Crossing his legs and holding his hands, he closed his eyes as he breathed. His vision brightens for a short while before his focus was now on the Winter Village, he watched over the Winter Steves as they carry on about their roles and all, Obsidian Steves were there for guarding as well.

Everything was fine, the Winter and Obsidian Steves were progressing in their lives slowly.

So what made his meditation look out for danger there anyways?

His gaze soon followed to where the Winter Leader's cottage stood by, feeling a familiar presence in the cottage. Maybe it was the Heart of Winter he felt, but this presence was different.

He thought again, Rainbow Steve.

Hero of Colors and Biomes, he was probably there to check on the Leader and the Obsidian Captain like always. The Judge's vision slowly got closer to one of the windows of the cottage, he peeked thru the glass despite it being blurry. Soon he heard voices.

" Are you sure Winter Leader? "

" I have talked this out with Rindr and Gorm, and they are alright with this decision. "

The Obsidian Captain stood next to the Winter Leader, who silently nodded at the words, he agreed to the decision as well. Seer looked hesitant though, his fingers fidgeting below as his eyes looked at both of the Steves in front of him. After weeks of visiting the Winter Village to check the Obsidian and Winter Steves were thriving peacefully, he had never expected a decision from the Winter and Obsidian.

" Rainbow Steve, on behalf of our kind, you have saved the Obsidian Citadel from the dangers of the Demons and you show courage and bravery to us all. While we may have lost our warriors during the war while you were still away, you didn't step down and run away from fighting. " Obsidian Captain announced, he sheathed his spear on his back as he looked over to the Winter Leader with a nod.

Seer looked back at the Winter Leader, then to his palms as the Leader listed up the familiar star there. " Our decision was for you to finally take good care of the last essence of our creator, Dream Steve. " The Leader held the star out towards the Rainbow Hero, who still looked hesitant to take the Heart of Winter to his hold. 

Seer shook his head for a short bit then turned back to the Leaders. " I am still not sure about this really, what if I somehow lost the Heart in the middle of nowhere? or someone stole it without me noticing? I'm just- " His hands held together and brought near his chest, the Hero gulped slightly as his anxiety grew when he looked back at the star in the Winter Leader's hands. " I don't know, can you guys please think more about this? "

The Obsidian Captain sighed deeply as he looked at the star. " Winter has brought this decision for a few weeks now, I agreed after some time and the Giants didn't hesitate to agree. " The General looked over to Hero once again, he can see the hesitation because of his body figure right now. " The Giants knew you were capable of such responsibilities, and I trust you to protect the Heart. "

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