7 : Went Too Close, Yet We're Too Late

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-ˋˏ≪  Two months before the incident ≫ ˎˊ-

There weren't any lucky signs of where Colle is.

It has been 2 weeks since the search started, the Biome and Chromatic Steves were already aware of the situation, cause some gossip just started and everyone, of course, wouldn't know how to shut their mouths in cases they weren't even involved.

The Winter and Obsidian Captain helped out, letting 3 explorers and guards help the search. The new Ocean Leader let 2 Ocean explorers search through the water to search lands and furthermore. Genesis soon heard about the news when it was told by the Green Leader, asking for a way to help, but had the same problem as the Red Elite Leader. He can simply pinpoint a Steve's energy that he's familiar with as well, but it confuses him and everyone why Genesis couldn't track Colle's energy.

The Red Elites had no chance of finding them on their own, sometime later Boss let Spark stay in the Academy to take Sharp's role there and it took a lot of convincing to let Professor Red stay in the Red Kingdom after this (but he wasn't told that Genesis couldn't pinpoint his energy). So in the meantime, it was Beef and Sharp exploring and looking for Colle, Boss could tell they weren't coming back a week or two to rest unless they found a clue about Colle.

Boss didn't say anything about the note he found, afraid it might make everyone feel on edge but also worry his Elites even more. How it was written and scribbled out would put everyone on the edge.

So the search was still going on.

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" What do you mean you can't contact him?! "

" Seer it's not that simple to call another demigod. " Genesis pinched his nose bridge while Seer only stared at him in disbelief, slightly frustrated about the situation now. They were both in Genesis's little cottage house in the caverns of the Green Kingdom, which Seer came by this morning with an idea for Genesis to help. For some reason, it was another dead end.

" I said it back in the Citadel, finding the Judge takes a lot of time because of where he is. He can be in his pocket dimension, which I can't get any access through unless he gets out of it, which by the way, happens rarely. "

Seer breathes out and turned away from Genesis, his hand running through his hair to the back in frustration with the information he received. Things couldn't be easy at some point, and it always leads to a frustrating dead end, somewhere far away from the exit of the maze. Rainbow closed his eyes as he tries to calm himself down as Genesis spoke again.

" I'm just as frustrated as you are right now Seer, but you have to realize that the Judge is not easy to talk to or even find at some point. I may be his healer, but he comes to me when he needs to be healed. " Genesis leaned back on his wooden chair as he watched Seer from behind, a small scoff was heard, but it didn't affect Genesis much at all. He knows what it's like to be frustrated in certain situations or somewhat annoyed about little things. He can be ticked off easily but can manage his emotions well and be calm again.

Just like that time when Colle accidentally summoned Genesis when he was trying to fish, he was glad that Colle didn't take his frustration seriously at that time and accepted his apology, he has a heart of gold as one says about him.

Seer couldn't be mad about that. Not everyone knew the Judge well, it's not like anyone could be close to the brunette and be friends. He finds that rather impossible or just difficult. But the situation with Colle's disappearance was somewhat itching into everyone's minds at this point, Seer the most, repeating to himself that everything would be alright. But nothing is okay, Colle is clearly not okay, whatever situation Colle is in that made him disappear is enough for Seer to be concerned and worried about what's gonna happen.

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