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Leilani POV

"They are so cute" I smiled looking at My and Elle as they slept cuddled together

"Lemme get a picture cause this is adorable" Essence said as I agreed. We just got back from dinner it was around 8pm and the kids were exhausted and they were cuddled up on the couch and it was so cute.

"Well lemme take her and put her in the bed" Essence said as I nodded agreeing

"Goodnight pretty girl" I said as I pinched Elle cheeks. She opened her eyes and turned her head as I chuckled.

"Goodnight" Essence said

"Night" I smiled. I picked My up and cut the lights off in the living room and walked to the room. I opened the door to see Ace on the phone.

"Man handle that shit ian playing. We talking bout my damn family" He said as he stared at me. I laid My down in the middle of the bed and then went into the bathroom. I changed into my night shorts because I had ended up taking a shower about 10 mins ago after we got back. I put my bonnet on my head and then walked back into the room and sat on the bed.

"Ight man" Ace said as he hung up and he smacked his lips. He looked at me and My and then got up going into he the bathroom. I didn't bother to ask what was going on cause I already knew. It was still My's birthday trip even though her birthday was over. We still have a whole day left I'm not letting anything ruin it.

After 5 mins he came out the bathroom and laid in front of me in the bed and sighed.

"I love you man" He said as I smiled.

"I love you more. We have one more day just hold off for her" I said as he nodded

"I'm trying man. They ain't doing they damn job back at home. Shit starting to piss me off and not only that I found some information out yesterday" He said as I raised my eyebrow

"And what is that?" I asked as he sighed

"Peanut tryna set me up" He blurted out and my eyes widened. Peanut was around my child when they whole other situation was going on. So this was a shocker to me.

"Ima handle it calm down. " He said as I scoffed.

"What do you mean calm down Ke'dravious? He was around my child. MY child!" I sternly and he smacked his lips

"I know that Leilani and I told you I'm trying to handle that shit. Why you think I be having phone calls and going into different rooms for privacy latley?" He asked as I played with my nails.

"Ima handle it. I told you I was never gone let anything happen to you or My. Trust me" He said as I slowly nodded.

"I love you. " He said as I smiled

"I love you" I said as he pecked my lips

"Now come on and get some rest. It's getting late. " He said

"Cut the light off. I said as I put My in the covers. I got in the covers myself and charged my phone up. And then cuddled up next to My as Ace wrapped his arms around us.

"I love y'all" He mumbled.

"I love you too" I said. I closed my eyes and ended up drifting off to sleep.


I was outside on the balcony while everybody in the room was still sleep. I was up early this morning tryna see if Kavion was handling it.

"I still haven't been able to find no shit bruh" Kavion said. I clenched my jaws. Somebody was playing with me man somebody playing with my money and ion like that shit.

"I watched the cameras" I said

"You heard everything Peanut been saying?" Kavion asked as I nodded

"I just want you to know I wasn't even on that type of level. You my damn cousin I wouldn't ever juzt switch up on you like that. We family bruh" He said and I nodded

"Yea man I appreciate that shit. Ima have to kill peanut though. He wanna switch up on me and shit after I just helped him get his brother back ima kill his ass" I said as he nodded

"And I'm with you 100% on that." He said as I stared into distance

"Ima need you to act like you on his side until I get back. We come back tomorrow morning" He said. I felt small arms wrap around me and I looked down seeing it was Leilani.

"Aye bruh lemme call you back later" I said as he nodded and hung up.

"You good?" I asked as I turned around looking down at her" I asked and she nodded

"You wasn't there. I heard you talking on the phone so I knew you were here. But My wants to go back to the water park I think ima let her go with Essence and my mama though. Cause we need to talk " She said

"Talk about what?" I asked and she sighed

"We will talk later" she said walking back into the room. I wondered what the fuck she wanted to talk about. Last time I check we was on good as terms so I'm confused. I walked back in the room to see My up watching her iPad.

"Goodmorning lil mama" I said. She didn't pay me no mind she just continued watching her iPad. I walked back into the bathroom where Leilani was fixing her hair and shut the door.

"Ma whatchu talking about?" I asked looking at her as she did her hair

"Didn't I just tell you later Ke'dravious?" She said ad she eyed me in the mirror

"Nah tell me now" I said

"You can wait" She said as I smacked my lips. She was finna piss me all cause what could we possible have to talk about we was good as hell man.

So what the fuck could it be?

How y'all feeling?

What do y'all think Leilani want to tell Ace?

Should Kavion go along with the plan?


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