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Leilani POV

"Mommy when I go to school?" My asked

"When school starts. It's the summer" I said

"What grade will I be in?" She asked

"4k" I said

"Who will be my teacher?" She asked as I chuckled.

"Well we won't know until we sign you up for school. " I said and she nodded. I was on my Mac book still looking at mail stuff. I already had ordered so much stuff but it wouldn't hurt to order extras. I heard the door open and shut and I knew it was just Ace.

"Wassup baby" He said as he kissed my cheek

"Nothing just ordering some stuff. " I said. He picked My up and tickled her and kissed he cheeks.

"Ordering stuff for nails? He asked sitting down as I nodded. This was honestly the time I needed to tell him that I was pregnant but I also didn't want to.

"So how was your day?" I asked

"You know handling business baby nun serious." He said.

"But tell me how your day was. Give me detail" I said

"Can't say that around lil mama" He said. I looked at My to see that she had her headphones in watching something on her iPad.

"She can't hear you" I said

"I killed somebody today" He said bluntly and my eyes widened.

"You what? Ke'dravious!" I shouted

"Calm down. I had my reasons" He said as I scoffed.

"You know I'm starting to think you gotta problem with what I do all of a sudden" He said. It's not that I had a problem with what he was doing it's just he never told me he actually killed somebody and then it was the fact that I was pregnant.

"Do you?" He asked. I looked into his eyes to see that he was starting to get irritated with me.. for what reason? I don't know.

"Just leave it alone. " I sighed.

"Nah I ain't gone leave it alone man. Every since I done told you about somebody being after you and My you just been acting different as fuck towards me. " He said as I scoffed

"Really? I've been acting different? How!" I asked. I'm so glad My had her headphones in. But I knew it wasn't right for us to be bickering in front of her.

"Exactly you don't even have an answer you just assuming. We have been doing it almost every day and you feel like I'm acting different. That's crazy" I said as I chuckled.

"That ain't got shit to do with it. I ain't talking about sex Lei I'm talking about how your attitudes are towards a nigga. You think I ain't gone protect y'all are sum?" He asked as I looked away he lightly chuckled and nodded.

"So that's what this is all about. " He said. I got up and went into the kitchen to get me something to drink. I still had the tests in my hoodie pocket making sure they wouldn't fall out.

"Nah don't walk away now answer the question Lei. " He said as he leaned on the counter.

"Maybe you can't. " I said. I felt him mugging me in the back. I sighed and then turned towards him.

"Maybe- maybe what?" He cut me off.

"Why are you getting so mad?" I asked as he smacked his lips.

"Cause you talking nonsense man. Shit starting to piss me off. " He said

"How when all I'm doing is talking to you and a calm and collect voice and you raising your voice" He said

"Cause like I said you pissing me off. " He said as I sighed walking back out the kitchen.

  Ace POV

"Maybe what though?" I spoke as I followed her back into the room. I peeked in the living to make sure My was good and she was. I went into the bed room to see her sitting on the bed.

"Maybe what!" I asked with base making her jump. Her eyes soften and mines soften to as I realized what I did.

"We need a break" She blurted

"A what?" I asked as I looked at her like she was crazy. "Fuck you mean a break?" I said as she sighed

"Ke'dravious we need it. I'm not saying I don't love you and I'm not saying I'm leaving you. I just said break. Some time to our self" She said and I scoffed.

"What time to your self do you need? You cheating?" I asked as he eyes widened. She walked up to me and slapped me making me stumble a little.

"Don't ever in yo fucking life accuse me of cheating! I'm with you every fucking day! " She said. I mugged her as I held my face and chuckled.

"See I'll be wrong if I- you know what. Maybe we do. " I said as he face soften. "Nah don't soften up now. I'm starting to realize yo true colors. " I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever Ke'dravious. You wanna take it as a break up take it that way. But I'm not. I actually love you I just feel like you need to realize where your head is at. Cause it's not in the right place with this gang shit. But at the same time.. I can't change nobody that doesn't want to be change. So like I said take it how you want. " She said as I smacked my lips

"Change me? So you expect for me to stop my hustle and fast money? Nah man. This shit right here feeding me and paying my grandma bills I'm not stopping this. " I said

"You think your mama would be proud of her son running the streets killing innocent people? She asked as I mugged her.

"Don't speak on my folks." I said

"Okay I won't but I'm just saying. I know your grandma doesn't like it. She tells me all the time she doesn't. " She said as I waved her off.

"You need to leave. Matter you can have my house to yourself. I'll stay with Essence for a while. " She said. I watched as he packed her stuff and My's stuff . She finally finished and rolled the bags towards the door and then stopped.

"I just want you to know.. this is the reason I wanted you to stop" She said as she threw something on the bed. I looked me and seen two sticks. I picked them up and one see "pregnant" and the other had a plus.

"Fuck.." I said to myself.

Now I knew why. I had a baby on the way.

How y'all feeling?

Yes I had to end it that way but it will get better next book



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